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Everything posted by Iceagewhereartthou

  1. Good grief That would cause some major problems. At this point I'll take dry over cold.
  2. Here are the January highs and lows for GSP from 2012 (you know, "the worst winter ever"). Some ups and downs but really not that bad. Had a couple of bona fide cold fronts. Actually felt like Jan for a good bit, just no snow. It'll be intersting to see how this Jan compares. an 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Max Avg Min 56 51.3 46 66 54.7 36 47 35.8 25 56 40.8 25 48 39.7 31 49 40.0 36 48 40.1 34 44 33.5 21 35 26.4 15 32 26.3 24 33 29.3 27 35 26.4 18 38 28.8 20 40 27.6 15 50 36.4 26 53 40.0 29 43 38.1 35 47 39.9 36 60 45.0 34 50 41.9 32 44 36.3 29 41 30.8 25 47 33.3 22 48 37.5 30 39 35.8 31 51 41.0 34 50 37.9 28 57 43.1 32 64 45.5 27 72 56.1 43 51 44.5 41
  3. 28 again. Looks like lows in a few days are going to be higher than average daily highs.
  4. If the WYFF radar is correct (and it's not always) there's snow showers down to Caesar's Head over to Glassy in Northern Greenville in the upstate. That's about as far south as you'll ever see the NWSF showers get. Could be the most the upstate sees all year.
  5. Good to see, keeping my fingers crossed. It's funny though, even though I know February can be a geat Winter month, I've been so jaded by the past few that I have no confidence it will be anything other than Spring. May Februrary 2020 be the one to restore the confidence!
  6. Yeah, this pattern has been in control for awhile now. Very active STJ farther north bringing endless rain systems through the SE, basically serving as a semi-permanant SER and keeping all cold in the central US and northern Rockies parts of the CONUS. The same patterns are responsible for both the overabundance of rain and total lack of cold. The last two years in particular have been excruciatingly rainy; over 135 inches for me, and more than 200 inches for many mountain locations. This year seems to be starting the same way. The good news is, patterns can't last forever. Maybe we get a change soon, maybe not. But we're very unlikely to get much frozen with the current pattern.
  7. Made it down to 28. At least I'm starting the new year off with a freeze!
  8. Would indeed. It looks like a system from the 80s or 90s. We're now in the 20s...
  9. One would think that eventually, just on the laws of probability and statistics, or even just "chance" we could get some legitimate winter time with the indeces in our favor. It seems like the patterns we want are just out of step right now. Maybe in a few years the timing will have changed a bit and we'll start to see them (especially -NOA) better aling with winter instead of summer?
  10. Well since we're obviously not going to have winter, I'm going to enjoy Fall. Man, what a BEAUTIFUL Fall day to day! Mid-low 60s with a cool breeze and NO RAIN!!! It is absolutely GORGEOUS out today! Made it down to 54 this morning, but the daily low will probably be just before midnight. This is the kind of window opening, leaf changing days we wait for all summer long baby!
  11. And should have been about 24-0. Just being honest here, but I'd take a few snowless winters if that were to happen. That stinkin team has had enough time in the sun; it's time for somebody else, ANYBODY ELSE, to hold the horseshoe (and clover, and rabbit's foot, and ...)! Only problem is, if I pull for LSU then Clemson will win; everybody I pull for either stinks to begin with or stinks it up when I pull for them.
  12. GSPs last reading below 20 degrees was way back on Jan 18, 2018; nearly two years.
  13. CAE saw it's 7th day with a high of 70 or more today this month, and also had a high of 80 on 12/10 for good measure. Meanwhile, there's only been 2 days with a high below 50 (46s). The forecast low tonight is for 64, and a high for 72 tomorrow. GSP has seen 5 days with a high of 65 or higher (high of 67). Meanwhile, it's only had 6 days with a high below 50 (low 45). The forecast low for tonight is 60 with a high of 65 tomorrow. AVL has seen 6 days with a high of 65 or higher (high of 67). Meanwhile, it's only had 8 days with a high below 50 (low of 42). While the averages may not say this has been a "torch" December, it certainly hasn't resembled winter.
  14. Was in Columbia today. 71 and MUGGY with mosquitoes flying around everywhere. Forget winter, where is Fall?
  15. What "dry cold"? The forecast for late next week/weekend shows 60s/40s with showers. TWC shows a cool down starting on the 6th but its only down to low 50s/mid 30s; still above average. Now we are to the point where a cold front doesn't even get us to average. I guess some of us need to face the reality that being able to expect a small snowfall or two each year is a thing of the past. Maybe once every other year or few years we can expect all the stars to align to get a couple of sloppy inches, but yearly snow may not be a reality anymore for many. GSP is the new CAE, which is the new CHS.
  16. Wow. Winter just doesn't come to the east anymore. Have to move to the upper midwest/northern rockies.
  17. Maybe this could be a good thing for us all down the road. I think the Arctic is sorely in need of a super cold winter. Maybe a big cold ice build up year would be a good thing in setting patterns going forward?
  18. Not much to to look forward to at this point, I'm punting the first half of Jan I guess, and I don't get too many punts after that or its over. GSP has only had 12 freezes so far; 12, with none showing over the next 15 days! The only difference b/w last year and this so far is there was no early Dec snow. We really need something good to happen next month.
  19. Well I can say it's been nice not having an all out torch for this December; generally at or just below normal, and the last few days/nights have been nice and cool. However, aside from that, it's been about the most boring December weather ever! Nothing cold for December, and not even a threat of frozen for many. What does it take to get a winter pattern and frozen precip around here??? Oh look, inches of rain incoming; oh boy how exciting...
  20. Nice pretty frost this morning, down to 27.0.
  21. I really hope not, I need things to dry out. Need some cold though if we want snow, we'll have to watch that potential cold after new year's.
  22. Agree, except for my area Feb is now all spring. If we dont score in January it's over.
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