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Everything posted by Iceagewhereartthou

  1. Where's the jealous emoticon? All I got was 2.27 in of rain and a low of 37.
  2. Yep, ground truth looks pretty boring... https://weather.com/weather/tenday/l/eb602afd025394430c5e94385851f7e41b5a87a50c740c08f14622c71976661f
  3. Looks pretty boring for the next two weeks. Warming up over the week one period, that cooling but no cold. Too much rain showing up in my two week and not a single freeze. Hoping for a better pattern after mid Dec...
  4. I was thinking that pink and green must be some BIG TIME cold until I saw the scale; green is only -3 c Still, I'll take below normal anyway and anytime I can get it!
  5. I think we're all just being cautious and denying ourselves any excitement. "Wolf" has been cried too many times and the models have been too unreliable beyond a couple of days. We pretty much have to wait until cold is happening and snow is falling to have any confidence these days (unless you're over 3000 ft).
  6. Made it down to 23. If it had stayed clear might have made a run at upper teens. Yesterday GSP was 22. Only 3 mornings were lower than that all last Fall/Winter with the lowest being just 20. Interestingly, last November was significantly below normal at GSP, and despite all the talk about this year's front being "historical", it featured a mid month cold front with similar highs to this one (warmer lows though). Also recorded a 21 late month.
  7. I'm also noticing the consistency with current temps around the region. GSP, CLT, CAE, AVL; all within 3-4 degrees of each other. Heck, even Mt Mitchell and Charleston are only 13 degrees apart; 34 and 47 respectively. How often does that happen?
  8. Absolutely AWESOME out there today! 22 this morning. Even GSP made it down to 22, normally I would be a few degrees cooler but not this time. Been bouncing b/w 39 and 40 the past hour. No too often we struggle to hit 40 with full sunshine in mid November in the upstate. I'll take more of this please; love it!
  9. As a USC fan its sickening. And the fact that it's not surprising at all is even more sickening. The situation down there is a total mess and it never gets any better. They spend WAAAY too much money to not have a better product. I can't believe there's never been more accountability over the years for how poor the program has been compared to the investment.
  10. Thanks. 16.9 now on Sassafras. http://climate.ncsu.edu/cronos/?station=SASS
  11. Going below zero tonight? What is your lowest since you moved up there from columbia?
  12. Currently 17.4 on Mt Sassafras, probably the coldest in SC. Can't find a working link to Mt Mitchell; anyone?
  13. Wow, bonafide cold up your way! Finally got below freezing this evening at 7:15 29.5/16.9 now. Cold but not frigid. We'll see if I make my forecast of 23.
  14. Congrats to everyone seeing snow, that's awesome! Rain ended here, still cloudy but temps have risen 3 degrees in the past hour!
  15. It's a shame there wasn't more precip on the back side of this. Wish precip would come after the front every now and then. Down to 45 here.
  16. If that's accurate someone's going to see a nice event. Must be nice not to be on the lee side!
  17. Last couple of days wyff has headlines stating "bitter cold", and Greenville Online has one saying "extreme cold." Sorry but that is just silly. Below normal? Yes. But highs in the 40s and lows in mid 20s is not unusual even for the upstate in Nov. LOL at the hyperbolic language, other people around the country would be like ,"what cold."
  18. I understand your point but token flurries, or even a shower with no accumulation, does little for me. If it doesn't accumulate it's more of a tease; kinda like the hot girl making you think you have a chance when you don't.
  19. Unfortunately CAD events have become too weak, in general, and usually result in more sleet than snow. We used to get more overrunning event (Miller A type) snows but those have completely disappeared. The last one I can recall was Jan 2011, whcih was a nice one, but that's a ways in the rear view mirror. Our only other hope, upper level lows (March 2009) just haven't worked out and generally seem to suffer from warm boundary layers that limit accrual (see March 2009 again). In short, the upstate is an awfully tough place to see a good snow anymore.
  20. Some inversion last night for northern upstate, which is quite common. Only made it down to 29 myself, some lower temps further south. Meh, so far not impressed with the big cold, let's see what next week can offer.
  21. CNN Headlines: Next Week's Weather to be Cooler Summit on Global Warming to Declare No Cold Records to be Broken Ever Again!
  22. Yeah. No snow for me but will be nice to see the first real freeze, still got bugs around. Looks like a healthy front for Nov, but probably not approaching records in my area. GSP record low maxes for 13th, 14th, 15th are 40, 36, and 37 so won't be going that low (record lows are 20, 20, 17), and this will be nothing like the 1950 outbreak.
  23. Yep, brings the Lee side screw job further north. That's what it feels like living in the upstate.
  24. Lol. Complete clown that will never happen. Still, the models really pick up on that lee side snow shield. Draw a line from NO to MYB and you can really see the effect of the apps on our region. Cold has to be there first or forget it. I 40 looks nice though.
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