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Great Snow 1717

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Everything posted by Great Snow 1717

  1. I'm not worked up at all. Just stating that Dr Dolittle is a sure bet to make some stupid posts on those days. Must be quite the life when that is someone's only enjoyment for a day.
  2. You can bet the house that he is going to make some off the wall stupid post(s) on Christmas Eve and Christmas day.
  3. I can think of one thing.....for you to stop posting.
  4. Fewer and fewer cold fronts dropping out of Canada
  5. If a weather model(s) is controlling someone's mental and physical well being then that person needs to take a break.
  6. Likely because of the terrible year that 2020 has been. For many the negative has far outweighed the positive this year. Many people aren't in good moods to begin with so it doesn't take all that much to have people slip even further into depression and anger.
  7. Notre Dame getting their ass whipped by Alabama......
  8. Sort of like Jackie Bradley's strike zone........
  9. The last thing that many people need during 2020
  10. Whoops sorry. I saw a report that Londonderry had 16 inches
  11. What site do you use for the snowfall data? Thanks!
  12. Yesterday I took a look at the new radar page...I thought I had stumbled upon some jr high kid's site........
  13. I can't wait for the tropical storm warnings to be hoisted for Xmas Eve and xmas day........At least we get to watch Kyrie play on xmas day.....
  14. Just have to appreciate anything that is good in 2020. Certainly not an historic storm in my area but a solid storm. It is winter outside! And likely a white Christmas!
  15. I measured 10 inches at 7 am. Will end up with over a foot once all is said and done.
  16. All things considered a good storm for Methuen.
  17. I agree. And sets the stage for a white Christmas.
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