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Everything posted by JC-CT

  1. Rain to a short period of zr to sleet to maybe a short burst of snow at the end if we're lucky. Real zr seems confined out to west. Sorry bud, is what it is...e ct is not zr climate.
  2. Says we in for a wild ride, buckle up little bronco
  3. Models are actually struggling quite a bit to resolve the energy working up the trough
  4. Lol I know what Stratus means now! My first one just came in the mail today. Gonna measure all this rain on Friday!
  5. It's cool bro, you're interesting and dont seem to have any reservations sharing your true self. Kind of jealous of that part tbh.
  6. And he has a complicated relationship with bears
  7. Wait how the fk is taunton under normal snowfall
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