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Everything posted by madwx

  1. I think melt varies so much on pavement type etc. i remember during the first week of February 2011 after GHD1. The snow/ice on a sidewalk was melting in full sun while in the single digits
  2. Got down to 6 at the house. Saw as low as 3 on the drive in to work. This will be the first big test of sun angle season. Wall to wall sunshine vs mid 20s high temps. Will it melt the 1” of snow that drifted onto my driveway
  3. Abour 4.5” total. 2.5” of it was in the defo band from about 430 PM to 8
  4. Back edge of the defo band moving through here. Gonna go out and measure shortly. Drive home from work went better than expected
  5. you could have posted this at any point during the winter and it would be true
  6. flurries starting up on the SW side of Madison
  7. the snow has been trending later as well. This used to look like a morning show here but now it looks like the majority of the snow will fall after noon
  8. 0z GFS continues the very slow SE shift with that model
  9. 18z GFS is holding strong with its north and stronger solution. 18z Euro is definitely caving to drier and a bit more south
  10. yeah but they are even more south now. before the northern edge of the defo band was around MSN. Now it's Janesville.
  11. GFS continues to give S WI over 12" on kuchera ratios and over 7" in positive snow depth change. Can't see how this will be a warning criteria storm here. Looks like a slight SE trend on the Euro over the past few runs
  12. Will this be the answer to N Illinois' prayers? Will it hit the DBQ-MSN-OSH corridor again? will it get sheared out and go far SE and weak? Stayed tuned here for the answers
  13. Who left Beavis in charge of today’s GFS?
  14. Madison got 4.8” of snow and the temp never went below 33 yesterday
  15. still at 36 well after the storm has ended here. Arctic air has been completely absent behind ever storm system this winter besides the pre Christmas storm
  16. 4.8” with snow slowing down. Not looking forward to the upcoming shoveling
  17. 2.7" of pure concrete so far. been a little over an inch an hour since it transitioned to snow
  18. Yeah it’s been coming down big league here since about 830. At least a couple inches on the ground and the wind has picked up tremendously. Had sleet for a couple hours before that and roads were ice covered
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