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Everything posted by AfewUniversesBelowNormal

  1. I like the PDO too. These summertime storms off of New Foundland are a great sign for the Winter.
  2. Does this heat feel as hot to you guys as it did in the past? For me it seems 10-15 degrees colder.
  3. Love this.. look at how northern Europe breaks records next, and the monster vortex over the Pole. You can map out going forward in time real easily.
  4. It shows that we could do another Super El Nino in 2020. It's noise though.
  5. I like how we've been put in the thunderstorm threat for tomorrow and the next day. The last two days have overperformed, upgrades in the Upper Midwest.
  6. Interesting little day for storms, hatched 45% appeared in Wisconsin
  7. I had a feeling we could have a big hit this year. It will be hard though with El Nino conditions present, and only 12-13 named storms looking likely.
  8. -QBO/El Nino is ideal. Looks like we'll switch in November. lol https://www.esrl.noaa.gov/psd/data/correlation/qbo.data
  9. You will love this.. Cold Pool. Winter NAO index is like -1.2. (SD is 0.55)
  10. Stuff is right, storms don't usually develop this lite. New pattern.
  11. Big difference between Isotherm depth and SST. It does look like we might start a warming trend in the subsurface.
  12. El Nino kind of building back toward the surface in latest subsurface maps. The cold pool will prevent us from breaking +0.7 ONI
  13. Like so many other days when it rains a lot at night, is followed by an excessive heat watch. I have a feeling the heat will underperform.
  14. LWX is pretty good. The NWS still had radar clutter when my reality had moved far out of that..
  15. Nice healthy storm. CG lightning. wind.
  16. A downpour developed here out ahead of the main line, 0.50". Clouds still building to the south.
  17. Surprised there aren't more posts. Quite a lively line of storms rolling through.
  18. Real nice High pressure showing up between Atlanta and N. Florida on radar.
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