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Everything posted by BxEngine

  1. You should post in the canadian forum. Thats where those temps were found, you must be lying.
  2. Pretty crappy ice/slush/leaf dams on the roadways, if the temps dont go up soon we’re in trouble even down here.
  3. Nah, disaster averted. 80 miles south got all rain, so you must have too.
  4. Temp sliding back down, we might be in deep doo doo shortly with this final rain.
  5. Impossible. We were assured this was a rainstorm.
  6. Roads were absolutely horrendous overnight before finally switching to plain rain. The only reason this wasnt a bigger deal was the timing, thats it.
  7. Uh oh. Im at a friends house up on the hill separating nyack and valley cottage....havent peaked outside in a while. This might be a interesting drive home.
  8. No apologies necessary, just helps avoid the questions sure to follow, thats all. The more pics the better.
  9. Guys if you post sim radar or totals post the timestamp for the model run too, thanks.
  10. Someone notify upton that their forecast is wrong, only 1” expected now.
  11. 1/2”. Well technically .48965. But rob doesnt like me measuring that accurately.
  12. Grainy wet snow. Thatll be fun when the rain comes. Ugh.
  13. Whatever falls...good luck to you all come late sunday afternoon...hardened cement everywhere. Oof.
  14. That guy went to high school with my dad fyi lol
  15. Too easy. Id say you should try to make it harder...but i fear you hear that a lot. Giggity. Lol
  16. Whoa. where the hell are my pina coladas? I keep getting served shirley temples.
  17. I get it. The only reason tony hasnt been banned yet again is because me and rjay are burned out from having to deal with the same bs over and over again....im sure as rjay is done puking he’ll handle it. Right @Rjay? but that doesnt mean any discussion has to automatically move to the interior thread 3 days before an event. Thats not how it works and that isnt why the thread was created...it was essentially created to help alleviate the whining by certain people when inland was getting snow while the coast was raining (back when that used to happen, seems a rare occurance these days), or when orange county whiffed and the city cashed in (heh weird, dont remember anyone asking for a city specific thread for those types of storms, but i digress). But for the discussion about impending storms, overall pattern, etc, this is a forumwide thread, always has been. Hence the annoyance when those complaining about the wish-casters are literally doing the exact same thing as those they are complaining about. It almost seems as if the more one posts about the exact same thing over and over, people here think theyll win an award or something. The “its gonna be rain, always has been rain, ive said it 8 times” its literally JUST as annoying as “itll create its own cold air! Gfas sucks at 2m temps”.
  18. This thread isnt just for nyc. You made your point. Numerous times. Let it go now and allow those who will be seeing more than just a quick shot of snow discuss it without the drama. Thanks.
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