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Everything posted by mclean02

  1. Stupid question maybe but why is there a gap between the rain and snow ?
  2. Took this from the Mid Atlantic forum theres hope for GSO nc lol
  3. Wow it is coming down and blowing around here in downtown blowing rock I love it !!
  4. Thank you all for the advice booked a room in Blowing Rock can't wait for the snow
  5. Yeah the dendritic growth zone is going to be between 4500’-7000’ on Xmas Morning. The flow could continue on into the morning on For many. Snow showers will make themselves with the growth zone that low. Was thinking about booking a place in boone but not sure if I should pick there or banner elk for my first snow ❄️ tracking of the year. Does anyone know which is best for nw flow snow ?
  6. QQ. all i want to see snow this weekend was thinking about staying at Banner Elk this Sunday to Monday should i change the location ? Is 3700 feet high enough will i need to look at Beech Mountain or move the date to Monday to Tuesday sorry to ask just wondering thanks everyone !
  7. Would be great to see that hopefully we can get in the snow this year !
  8. Sorry to bring back an old tread but just saying the one year in my life that move to Charlotte.. Greensboro finally gets a huge snow lol I hope we get something like this in 2020
  9. I am back again for another winter of disappointment! Just wanted to say hi to everyone and cant wait to follow the fantasy storms hopefully we can all cash in this winter !
  10. Right I put a post yesterday telling my family in Wilmington and Jacksonville NC that it's going to curve and may affect them. I guess because NC sticks out in the ocean we always take a hit with these type of storms.
  11. Yeah i was thinking the same thing till i saw the visible sat showing that clearing working its way north
  12. Yeah it looks like WTVA has a nice live stream going with the storms tower cam and chaser video https://livestream.com/accounts/19464150/events/5405314/player?width=640&height=360&#=true&mute=true
  13. Wow anyone else seeing snow/sleet I am in downtown winton and it's coming down
  14. https://climate.ncsu.edu/climate/winter/event_details?e=96
  15. Good point 11 degrees with snow on the ground then
  16. Whew not sure if that has happened in Greensboro before 10 degrees and snowing ! lol
  17. So it looks like it's time to create a thread?
  18. It looks like most of it is over Europe am I reading that right ? I hope I am wrong lol
  19. I according to his Twitter he was sick. I hope you are getting well soon and back to making the winter videos Sent from my SM-N950U using Tapatalk
  20. Yeah I hope they are wrong but normally when they are meh or have low confidence about a storm they are right quite a bit. I hope that changes today !
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