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Everything posted by PrinceFrederickWx

  1. Thanks, I have to drive down to California tomorrow morning, probably going to delay that until 9:30am or so.
  2. What’s the WWA for freezing rain tomorrow morning? That came out of nowhere.
  3. F the main thread, we can reel this one in ourselves. We’ve done it before.
  4. It's strange because I only got 9.3", while Huntingtown is only a few miles north of me and got 15.5". Someone in Dunkirk reported 13" so it must have been a sharp cutoff between the northern and southern half of the county. Further south of me only reported about 6". Zooming out at the map, it looks like a jackpot lolli than ran southwest to northeast, starting at Waldorf and ending at Northern Calvert and Southern Anne Arundel.
  5. @Wxdavis5784 Thank you again for your brave act of sacrifice. With Friday’s upcoming event, you will forever secure your place in SoMD history.
  6. 9.3” final total. Out sledding and building snowmen with my kids and their friends. My youngest just turned 3 months, so baby’s first snowstorm is quite a good one!
  7. Both of my Camellias have snapped and crushed. This is having a similar effect on my garden as the ice storms last year.
  8. Power is flickering a lot here and the power lines about 1/5 mile away are no longer visible.
  9. This is probably the most intense snowfall I’ve seen since the back end of HECS 2016.
  10. Calvert County is literally the only county in the state open tomorrow. Can’t wait for Curry to retire this summer.
  11. If you want to see true level 100 assholes, stop by the off-topic section sometime. Lot of bitter, crazy people on this forum.
  12. Calvert County schools only having 2 hours delay... yeah that'll work
  13. Thanks, I’ve been looking forward to your thoughts. I’m worried about a last minute north trend. Hope my post above didn’t jinx it- I don’t want to go from Return of the Flakes to The Phantom Flakes.
  14. January 2017: Beach Blizzard- A New Hope for the Southern Tier January 2018: Beach Blizzard 2- The Flakes Strike Back January 2022: Beach Blizzard 3- Return of the Flakes The trilogy will now be complete!
  15. Winter solstice heatwaves have been a regular feature in the new normal here.
  16. Here's what I have, let me know if you see any mistakes.
  17. We just need seven more people to beat last year's record-high number of entries. Everyone join in!
  18. I just now noticed this was a rather impressive troll...and also a good reminder that I've been putting off my eye exam. If you're actually playing though, I'm going to need your real forecast by Dec. 1, thanks.
  19. You should just YOLO it all into a triple-digit call for the airports.
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