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Everything posted by SchaumburgStormer

  1. Figured I would give this a bump since we have widespread .4”+ reports with wind incoming... edit: back under freezing, not hearing nearly as much dripping/melting. Going to be an interesting afternoon.
  2. I thought @Thundersnow12 was going to relive the glory days and start a bitching storm thread. It appears that isn’t happening
  3. .54” of ice. Going to be a big issue as this certainly won’t melt off before the wind starts.
  4. Eyeballing over .3” of ice accretion. Tough to measure as I can’t make it anywhere without slipping/falling. ZR continues
  5. None yet, but the outage map for ComEd is starting to light up
  6. 39 between 80 and 88 is having some serious problems. Wouldn’t surprise me if ISP shuts it down for a bit.
  7. If the lighter ZR rates continue for a few hours, we will blow right past the .3” accretion in the warning text.
  8. Absolute mess outside. Road is a sheet of ice, can already hear the trees crackling in the breeze
  9. LOT finally popped and ISW. Two ice storm warnings for me in a little over a week. Insane
  10. I feel like we all consistently underestimate the WTOD. Every year, every borderline storm. Here I expected all sleet/snow, and have a significant potential ice storm unfolding
  11. Freezing rain has turned the sleet into a half inch layer of solid ice. Going to be a serious ice storm
  12. Nice mood flakes for a bit, but a true DAB
  13. Backyard station popped to 1049.4 as it went overhead between 8 and 9 this morning
  14. Wow. My shingles would be laying in my bedroom with that much snow on the roof.
  15. Yeah, I had approximately .20” imby. Plus we had an extended burst of sleet at some point, so secondary roads were an iced over slush mess.
  16. Fun little event, icing potential really was knocked back by rainfall rate. That level of moisture spread over a few hours would have been quite the ice storm, but tropical style freezing rain in February is a solid fallback.
  17. Absolutely pouring ZR. Heavy rates limiting accretion
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