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Everything posted by SchaumburgStormer

  1. Interesting to note, we definitely flipped to rain/drizzle sometime overnight. On my “big board” (aka the one I don’t clear), I have about 1.5-1.6”, icy crust, then another 2.5-2.6”
  2. ...Camera pans, man sitting next to roaring fireplace smoking a pipe, peering over his snow covered yard... “We had a few rough years, but that’s in the past now.” (Cyclone pats the snow magnet he secured during a dangerous trek to Mt Geos) “Snow depth record, here we come” (cranks magnet to 11)
  3. Underestimated my “eyeball” guess by quite a bit. Measured 4.4” IMBY, still snowing lightly. Nice little suprise considering Hi-Res runs from 24 hours ago had the rain/snow line slamming north of me.
  4. Haven’t made it outside to measure yet, but it appears we stayed mostly snow. Nice refresher.
  5. Rain currently under light returns. Have been flipping back to snow under better returns.
  6. 00z HRRR pretty much keeps DKB and NW all snow. A good look for the NW burbs too. Still snowing at hr 15.
  7. HRRR only depicting a 2-3 hour changeover to rain, but boy is it close.
  8. Total crapshoot for mby. Slight adjustments in track and/or WWA will make huge differences in sensible weather at ground level. Expecting ice to snow to rain for a short period, back to snow.
  9. Somewhat strange, but based on radar, it appears the windmills SW of Dekalb perked up the returns that have no propogated NE towards hampshire.
  10. Days like today are when I am happy to be home with my newborn son, and NOT at work.
  11. Numerous accidents and DIDs already being reported
  12. Can’t say I blame you. Short term model performance has been abysmal. You seem to be jackpotting on these storms 24 hrs out, only to have all hell break loose.
  13. Yep, and well south. Low tracks over Bloomington on the 3KM.
  14. 12z HRRR keeps the freezing line wavering over mby for hours. Going to be quite the nail biter, as minor temp flux’s either way will drastically change local effects
  15. Snow is accumulating efficiently, but will be a nightmare to measure. Already have drifting starting
  16. Yeah, definitely drawing a jackpot from you to me to ORD. We shall see, frustrating storm to track, but enjoyable nonetheless.
  17. What? The 00z is running, and it’s not anything close to a game changer.
  18. HRRR looks to be a touch north with the FGEN placement at initialization. Probably noise, but makes a difference for those in extreme N IL riding the edge of the line
  19. Red flags coming from about every direction to lower expectations locally.
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