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Everything posted by CoolHandMike

  1. The fluffy cumulus clouds floating over my house have suddenly gained darker undersides, perhaps heralding the arrival of inclement weather. One can hope.
  2. The "lesser" models picked up on that quite early, didn't they. Side note--I've been using the slider on weather.cod.edu/satrad to rock the image back and forth in the various different ABI/RGB bands. Even with the reduction in available free weather products over the past decade (RIP OG WU) I still find wonderment in the tools we still have as amateur meteos.
  3. Henri looks like it's falling apart. All of it's convection is sheared off to the SE. Possibly due to moving out of the gulf stream? Also, is there such a thing as the Fujiwara effect that can occur between an area of low pressure (as in, currently over the interior mid-Atlantic) and a tropical cyclone? Looks kinda like what's happening to my untrained eye at least.
  4. My fieldwork in SNJ might be interesting next week, to say the least. Also, my parents are vacationing in southern Maine at the moment. I'm going to call them later and make sure they are prepared.
  5. I was checking the base velocities on radar for as long as I could last night but I didn't see anything spinning to my northwest, though I thought I could maybe see some larger scale rotation to my SW at one point. Nothing to clue me in on any tornado threat. We're right in the middle of distant radar coverage so maybe they aren't as good at detecting velocity at those distances. I dunno. I'd sure love to see a loop that shows it though.
  6. I'm up to 1.71" for the day with more incoming. Feels good after getting skunked the last few days. Bonus--about to go to bed with distant thunder and lightning. A classic stormy summer evening, hope you cash in Agnes, g'night y'all.
  7. Lots of booms and flashes to my west. We'll see if it holds together or does the "Reading Split". Can't complain, have .83" in the gauge for today.
  8. Sky has that tropical look to it, but I don't see anything too menacing on the radar at the moment. Hopefully we won't get slammed in the overnight hours but I am still hoping for at least a good drenching. I can only watch the radar until 10pm or so! lol
  9. My current work site is just across the DMB in NJ and we got absolutely drenched this afternoon. Didn't see any flood conditions at the site nor on my way home through I-95 and 202 though. We also appeared to dodge several of the storms coming through in the morning and around noon though.
  10. Today was absolutely lovely working outside with the heavy cloud cover. The only exceptions were when the clouds momentarily broke and the sun shone through, instantly raising the factor of uncomfortability, but thankfully those moments were far and few between. Hard to beat that summer sun angle I guess, though it's interesting to think that we now have the same amount of daylight as April 25th. It'll be the fall equinox in just over a month.
  11. So nice outside right now--I can't remember the last time we had such low humidity, but according to my weather station, the last time we saw any dewpoints under 60°F was ten days ago. Looking forward to working outdoors this week as well. Can we please be done with the Florida weather for this summer?
  12. Interesting. I don't suppose you have dewpoint data?
  13. Earlybirds. JK! I know there's a huge flock of fish crows that takes flight around dawn near one of my worksites in south NJ but I don't think they are numerous enough to cause those kind of returns.
  14. Should cool down for you soon. It's 84 here.
  15. Wow, the radar returns fell off a cliff for Berks at least. Thought for sure we'd get some boomers this afternoon but I guess there just isn't enough instability in the air to support any big storms near me at the moment. The cloud cover is nice for a change though.
  16. I couldn't stay awake for it but apparently we received another .28" last night.
  17. Flashes of lightning to the west lighting up the sky now. Can this line hold together?
  18. Work cancelled tomorrow due to it being the 4th consecutive day of this heat. Thank goodness. Today was brutal. Hoping now to get a storm to lower the temps a bit, but not seeing anything local on the radar.
  19. Same time, same place tomorrow evening you guys? See you all then. Off to bed before another sweltering workday. Be a geologist, they said... You get to work outside, they said... Finished with .56" for a two-day total of 1.39". Not bad.
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