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Everything posted by Stebo

  1. Which I am not denying at all. I know that nearly every record in this region especially in summer has been set in the last 20 years, you aren't telling me knowledge I don't already know. All I am saying is even with that heat it doesn't predicate what can happen in Winter.
  2. 2007 was hot. 07-08 is a top 5 winter for pretty much everyone in this subforum beside Ohio and they had one of their best storms ever. So no.
  3. That is not certain especially if we remain in a strong -PDO. I know many outlooks show that but they are binary El Nino outlooks with literally nothing else added. Low value output to be presented by the media.
  4. We had .42 in an hour before I left work earlier. Solid rain that we kind of needed.
  5. After its parade of 110s all summer I don't think I can trust it on anything.
  6. GFS and hilariously bad modeling with early cold snaps, name a better combo.
  7. Cooler nights in Aug definitely help, I noticed when I went up north mid Aug to Lake County there was already a splash of color there.
  8. Yeah I wouldn't say this is CC related except the frequency of these instances occurring more often. When Sandy happened in 2012 many states in the Midwest set records for sightings of unusual birds that got pushed in from the east.
  9. Yeah I am quite surprised how much the color has changed in the last week here, we did have a few cool nights but I think more so has to do with how dry it has been recently. Trees are burning through their fuel right now.
  10. Where did I say it wasn't going to be warm? Idc what others are saying you immediately went to different opinion with me when I didn't even present one. And with all of those models you'd think you'd post some maps. But nah you just say it's going to be warm just to piss people off. What actually will happen is irrelevant to that point.
  11. And? Now your protector in this subforum is also banned and did a shitty job moderating too. This winter we aren't going through post after post of your stupid empty nonsense.
  12. It's not a different view point. You have no point you just say warm without any single bit of discussion. We have AI that can do a better more interesting job than you. And you have been banned before because of your tedious garbage.
  13. Nah im fine, you however should find a new hobby besides being a main character to a place that is rapidly growing tired of you
  14. No Cromartie, it isn't about opposing views, you are a troll who doesn't care and this place banned you a few times before because of that. You are lucky I can't do it myself or you'd been gone already.
  15. He is a formerly banned poster who should be again. He is nothing but a troll.
  16. There is a climate change forum, go find your way there.
  17. Oh yeah the measuring stick is palm trees = life. Way more people die of heat exhaustion at 110 than freezing at 32.
  18. They came due north from the Yucatan Channel where they migrate.
  19. Wouldn't mind things warming back up a bit and getting some rain again.
  20. Doesn't matter on that, this isn't the subforum.
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