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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. This winter is starting to have that funny smell to it...like flounder
  2. Wait...what? What happened to after January 15th?
  3. I'm beginning to think the Winchester crew might get a white Christmas.
  4. Have you read Bob for the last week?
  5. Who knows what will happen but if somehow there is snow falling on or around Christmas day in my front yard then December is a win in my book.
  6. You had to do the paper interview didn't you. Had to say big winter coming in the interview didn't you. I know who I'm blaming
  7. It's a gradual transition...whether a few weeks or years who knows
  8. Dude we all know JYO isn't a real airport
  9. DCA at -1.9 through 12/10 the way things are looking the Dec +3 to +4 looks like it might be on the right side of the departure but I'm not sure it can make it that high
  10. No doubt Bob, I think the difficulty/perception gets a little muddled because we look at every model run everyday so the changes even small are highlighted. This hobby is exhausting and not so predictable.
  11. Odds Los Angeles gets a snow event before our next one?
  12. Since early November I'm pretty sure the weeklies, seasonals and ensembles have changed 30 times. Ripping and reading at its best in the long range thread
  13. Phineas is right...see ya in February maybe
  14. This is going to be painful with the troll twins B&P in full assault
  15. I just want to beat Lubbock Texas this year...modest goal
  16. How long have you lived in this area?
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