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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. Feels like we are on cut and paste mode this winter. It just needs to snow again regardless of the setup...merry merry everyone
  2. January 15th is 22 days away in case you all were wondering....in other words no way some of you mf'ers are gonna make it that long.
  3. Two things should be law Christmas week...no model analysis when it's a negative run and no bills should come in the mail
  4. Who on here says.... I'm taking other suggestions as well....that's dumb
  5. One thing I've learned about Ji over the years is that he doesn't actually enjoy snow he only loves the chase. When the actual event is happening he couldn't care less
  6. What's interesting is the weather dudes on TV back then had to actually try and predict what was going to happen and sometimes hit and sometimes miss but they had to try and figure out something. Today it just feels like whatever the model says today is the forecast and that's why when they're jumpy it makes the guy ripping and reading look like a booger eater
  7. When I was a kid I remember waking up and looking outside and if it was snowing I was excited if it wasn't I got dressed for school. No anticipation and very little awww man unless I watched Fred Weis or Gordon Barnes the night before and they said snow possible...but what 10 yr old watched the news...I was out playing as late as I could. I miss those days sometimes
  8. Ji is in character 364 days a year. For some reason he takes August 12th off.
  9. I don't need a ku dude. But 1-3 is totally unacceptable in what's suppose to an epic winter. I just want wsw criteria 6 plus. Not asking alot I bet if you looked at every single snowfall at Dulles ever the number that equaled 6" or greater is fewer than your age....57 years worth of snow dude and probably less than 50 events 6" or greater
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