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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. I fully expect in the next day or two the post will be...GEFS just caved to the EPS. These movies always show their hand
  2. Hi all I'm just pooping in here but the gfs is awful I heard
  3. This isn't really a winter anymore...basically we are in enjoying an event if we ever get one mode
  4. In 15 years I know one thing...I always feel most comfortable when I don't have the Euro on my side...that's usually a good sign
  5. I'm just going to watch Too Cute on animal planet until it snows
  6. Pam Oliver is either always drunk or gets a new tongue piercing every week
  7. Dont forget the typhoon recurve east of Cincinnati
  8. Yes sir. And we know how to navigate from rock bottom like no other area. Good to see that leesburg04 isnt the only troll here Hey!!
  9. Sometimes ripping and reading isn't fun
  10. Oh well...looks like I have to go do something rather than sit around and read weather posts
  11. The good news is all of this forecasting is based on what a model says is going to happen...you know...the same models that have been wrong before. Now if you want true accuracy go check out that guy Jay's wintry mix...heck he even got written up in the local paper...hes calling for an epic winter. I'm riding him to the finish line.
  12. Thing is... it occurred to me back post the super-nino ... was that like three years ago now. No ..can't be that far, is it? I think it was 2016 ... Anyway, the global impacts from that "super nino" ...didn't generate much vitriol in the headlines. And I sniffed around ... why? Because there wasn't much. I even saw papers written ...articles that also discussed plausible explanations why. I'm sure the impacts of that event were registered somewhere some how more or less.. but, it didn't concomitantly result comparative to the anomaly its self. We have to be careful... it's not black or white, either. It's more how factors and forces stress systems - or can ... gradient distribution - which is also a changing in time. So it's more like pushing results up and down a spectrum. In a colder atmosphere overall, introducing a hot-house SST inferno ENSO up underneath is going to result a coherent registry of observations in the atmosphere. I'm highly confident there is veracity in at least that baser precept. And if that's true ... logically the rest follows. Yeah... supposition... but, if the atmosphere is 90 F everywhere, and the water is 90 F everywhere... what does one think will happen? ... Oh and I wonder if he is correct
  13. Thing is... it occurred to me back post the super-nino ... was that like three years ago now. No ..can't be that far, is it? I think it was 2016 ... Anyway, the global impacts from that "super nino" ...didn't generate much vitriol in the headlines. And I sniffed around ... why? Because there wasn't much. I even saw papers written ...articles that also discussed plausible explanations why. I'm sure the impacts of that event were registered somewhere some how more or less.. but, it didn't concomitantly result comparative to the anomaly its self. We have to be careful... it's not black or white, either. It's more how factors and forces stress systems - or can ... gradient distribution - which is also a changing in time. So it's more like pushing results up and down a spectrum. In a colder atmosphere overall, introducing a hot-house SST inferno ENSO up underneath is going to result a coherent registry of observations in the atmosphere. I'm highly confident there is veracity in at least that baser precept. And if that's true ... logically the rest follows. Yeah... supposition... but, if the atmosphere is 90 F everywhere, and the water is 90 F everywhere... what does one think will happen? ... Man that Tip is long winded
  14. DC is sitting at +3.2 temp wise. Matt and CWG are going to absolutely nail December...well done
  15. That's crazy talk....put down the crack pipe or at least pass it
  16. My bold prediction.....we will have at least one day this winter with high temps in the low 20s
  17. I'm convinced nobody really knows
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