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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. I think Chuck needs a hug.....or a straight jacket....yeah one of those maybe both
  2. On the February Euro monthly Virginia seems to have disappeared
  3. Although I'm sure the changes were noticeable in advance although small the long range basically has flipped on a dime. I suspect any threat wont show itself at a long lead meaning more than 5-7 days. I simply think the models got punched in the nose and are in cobweb clearing mode right now
  4. Best snows along that gradient...cold and dry up north sorry Ray...sucks for Massachusetts
  5. Oh no the 384 hr 6z gfs has temps in the 50s
  6. Haha...I mean if the flags are there but dang two days ago it was just one big flag...my brain says we will now have a period of model bouncing before it settles into whatever it is that comes. Sure it's possible the abrupt flip will hold until reality but do we really believe there wont be some back and forth in the in between period?
  7. You know as well as I do someone will log on this morning and point out the red flags
  8. Dear god...the psu 40/70 multiple paragraph conversation last night made me feel like I was spinning the wheel on wheel of fortune as I scrolled on my phone
  9. Can you guys let the pattern change first
  10. I agree I believe the current airport totals are final
  11. There is no uncertainty with Smith....the dude has 3 legs
  12. Where's that new guy from central PA
  13. Always something new to agonize over
  14. The time is coming...is it more painful to be in a shutout pattern or in a hey look over there it's snowing pattern?
  15. I looked out the window this morning and it wasn't snowing....next
  16. What is typical around here is that as we wait for a pattern change to the better before we actually get that pattern change to the better we will start looking for the timing of the breakdown of the not yet materialized better pattern. What a group
  17. You guys realize HM said this is NO in that tweet
  18. In the most basic simplistic way for me to be encouraged is for op runs to start showing snow events regardless of size. It's not whether they are real or not it's the simple fact that the models will start seeing those chances in the long range. We can still fail no doubt but I just want to see the little sn showing up at 300 hrs
  19. So my goal was a jolting shift at 0z last night or I'm out....Ji am I in or out?
  20. Man...all he just said is the equivalent of saying Massachusetts is more north than Virginia
  21. http://www.cc.com/video-clips/jwy71h/chappelle-s-show-the-world-series-of-dice---uncensored?xrs=share_copy_email
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