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aldie 22

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Everything posted by aldie 22

  1. People don't know your definition of MA is a line from Roanoke to CVille to Richmond
  2. Just me but the euro needs to be in the same ballpark or this just doesn't feel all that great even with time still
  3. Only one model now gives us snow basically now that Canada f'd up. Time to see what the HIV3 gives us
  4. just means everything is now within a certain envelope...now it's just fine tuning the details. Congrats C-Ville or Raleigh
  5. Ha...maybe not 18z but we do need some consistency on a move soon.
  6. I think by 18z today every model needs to show precip into DC at least for this to be the corner. One off model run here or there isn't cutting it
  7. Finally the morning crew delivers the good news while the night crew went to bed sucking their thumb curled up in the fetal position
  8. Of course we will follow this to the end...why wouldn't we...I guarantee this though at some point some on here will start rooting for NC or southern VA to miss out too. That's when it gets ugly...mark it down.
  9. More shattered hearts on the way.
  10. Requirement to play QB for the skins....titanium fibula
  11. As I mentioned several days ago...when on the northern fringe I always look south to see how much room I have but I have to be ON the fringe not booking a flight to Myrtle Beach
  12. Watch Edit button too complicated?
  13. Montgomery county is totally white on that map...I'm jelly
  14. But according to the gfs your house is in whiteout conditions
  15. Personally I don't believe this thing is coming north...I do think it's fun to keep tracking it and seeing where it ends up. Someone down South is going to get one heck of a storm though...I think wet more than white but what do I know
  16. Hopefully the jog north starts prior to the start of the storm
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