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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. Yeah, I'm getting it good again but not much S and E. It's not really even making progress or close to Philly.
  2. Had some good downpours here....dropped the temp. 68F / DP 64F
  3. Winds have picked up. Temps went from 84F / DP 72F to 82F / DP 69F
  4. Sun and Mon say no! Yeah, the line is moving ultra slow...would like to see some downpours and wind. If I'm seeing correct the last couple frames it's dissipating a bit. 84F/ DP 71F
  5. Had a shower. If anything, things are more uncomfortable. 78F / DP 72F
  6. 79F / DP 71F (but cloudy) Tomorrow being warmer and the last day of this crap....cooler times ahead. Some showers moving in but no heavy drizzle:
  7. 82F/DP 64F Not horrible but certainly not crisp. Wonder if weather will be a factor launching SpaceX?
  8. Yes! Although it will be more humid this week the highs are down from predictions a couple days ago....
  9. 53F/44DP Really can't beat it for this time of year. Flannel/sweatshirt weather this morning...
  10. I've been shafted the last 2 days....had a little but not much. On Thursday, silly me thought the lawn may be too wet on Sun for lawn cutting...lol.
  11. Long term reduction of temps may happen again. The predicted late next week highs of mid-upper 80s to near 90 now looks like low-mid 80s for the city and low 80s burbs. If that? 73F, nice breeze. If every day in the summer was like today I would enjoy summer way more.
  12. That's rather impressive. Looking at some rather maps I was in the .25-.5 range which sounds about right. Hopefully some downpours/Tstorms tomorrow... 64F
  13. I'll take it! It's a bit humid but not drastic with cool temps (relative), low clouds and rain. God bless ULL's ...
  14. Every long term this Spring has busted regarding heat. (and precip to some degree) Always trended cooler and less precip...maybe this will be the turn around?
  15. That may be too high? Spring 2020 lives on...
  16. Well, any chance of TStorms tomorrow are quickly going down the tube. Nothing more than some showers if that? Looking ahead, 50s next Tues or Wed...or both? 66F/Overcast
  17. I haven't seen such a clear sunny sky in quite some time. If you want some "color" today would be your day... 57F
  18. Maine or New Hamshire would be my choice. Seafood, solid winters, less cluster-f**k and all around comfortable temps year round. Would still stick to Philly sport teams though... 56F/gusty
  19. YES!!! Actually watched Glenn during todays 11am broadcast....temps for next week were reduced by 3-4 degrees compared to yesterday forecast which I originally thought were too high. 55F currently w/wind...beautiful. Looking forward to another May night in the 30s....
  20. "Realfeel" irks me just about as much as "95 corridor". Both terms make my right frontal lobe ache... Just stepped out, 44F...still breezy (10 - 15mph-ish) and crisp. Feels like Fall. I better enjoy this now before we get torched...
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