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Everything posted by Birds~69

  1. 89F / DP63....radar in PA is super dead.
  2. Light rain/showers....this thing just fizzled out. Cooled things off though. 77F
  3. Last minute I got clipped..nothing major but a decent downpour.
  4. I can hear thunder but will get screwed.....at least I have some nice gust.
  5. Damn, this stuff will skirt me right to the S...I can see the dark clouds, oh well.
  6. Yeah, this sucks. Congrats Norristown/S..
  7. This damn cell will screw me to the S....
  8. Damn right!!! I've noticed it right off the bat....
  9. 90F / DP 67....seems like any activity is screwing me to the S at this point.
  10. Really a dud here today/tonight regarding TS's. It was cloudy w/gusty winds but that's about it. Radar quiet now as of 11:15pm... Muggy 76F / DP 70
  11. Pretty sure this thing will plow into me w/cow flying winds and JTA66's cable/internet will be out till Xmas...78F / DP 60
  12. This morning was beautiful. I'm an early bird so whatever happens I should see it....5-5:20am it was kicking this morning.
  13. BBasile should be excited...I only have a cell for pictures. I did the no AC 2 years ago due to my living arrangements. It's not really "that bad" if you have a window exhaust fan(s), floor oscillating fan(s) and keep the house shaded. Just keep the air moving... 86F / DP 59
  14. Yo RedSky, pretty intense "RedSky" this morning heading to Wawa. North Wales train station super dead...welcome to 2020. 62F / DP 58, not bad.
  15. It was decent but I think the more intense stuff just skimmed me...should have more chances. Temps dropped to 73F.
  16. Cool. I've been getting screwed all day! W of me....E of me, I'm bound to get hit at some point. They're popping up all over. 82F / DP 68F
  17. Again, it looks like the main activity is drifting to the W ala yesterday unless pop ups occur. (upper Mont/Bucks and further W right now) 85F / DP 67
  18. Some nice stuff building to the S moving up...85F / DP 67
  19. Thought there would be more activity on radar....67F / DP 64 at 2am.
  20. Everything is popping up to the W/far W burbs (good for you!)...hopefully things shift more to the east at some point. 86F / DP 66
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