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Everything posted by calculus1

  1. Just over 2.5 inches here in Hickory. We needed that rainfall, too. It had been dry. Like @Buckethead , I was loving and impressed by the cool temps. Such an aberration for late May. As far as I am concerned, I would love for these below normal temps to continue. .
  2. It’s been pouring in Hickory since a bit before noon. Radar gives no sign of it drying up anytime soon, either. I just passed the one inch mark since midnight after 0.61 inch for yesterday’s calendar day. Note: I always love the “It’s raining cats and dogs” message on the Davis Vantage Vue receiver. =)
  3. Yeah we had camping reservations this weekend in Seven Devils. Planned to hike Grandfather Mt on DBS today. NWS Forecast Thursday morning was 70% chance of rain on Saturday, with cool cloudy, drizzly conditions beginning overnight Friday and lasting through Sunday. We canceled or reservations. So, now it’s going to be a beautiful day and the rain won’t move in until Sunday afternoon. Go figure. .
  4. Umm, I would enjoy my April with snow, please. I would also take it in May, June, July, ... You can take your warm weather and shove it. [emoji16] So, I will cling to every last drop of hope for cold, even if it doesn't come with snow. 70s in July would be awesome. Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  5. ^ Soil temps? Check! Sun angle? Check! RAH playing all the hits in their disco. Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  6. Still sitting in the terminal here at ORD. Yep, light snow perpetuates despite the paltry radar returns overhead.
  7. Well, I can now say that I have seen snow falling from the sky this winter. Sitting at O’Hare waiting on my 4:45 flight back south. There was nothing but rain in South Chicago at the McCormick Center, then it transitioned to sleet/snow mix the closer we got to O’Hare on I-90. It does not appear to have been any sleet mixing in for the past hour or so. Radar trends seem to indicate it’s going to cut off rather soon, though, before the deformation band swings through later tonight. I should be in the air before then, though.
  8. Well, I can now say that I have seen snow falling from the sky this winter. Sitting at O’Hare waiting on my 4:45 flight back south. There was nothing but rain in South Chicago at the McCormick Center, then it transitioned to sleet/snow mix the closer we got to O’Hare on I-90. It does not appear to have been any sleet mixing in for the past hour or so. Radar trends seem to indicate it’s going to cut off rather soon, though, before the deformation band swings through later tonight. I should be in the air before then, though.
  9. Hey, guys. Busting into this thread from the Southeast because I’m currently in Chicago for a conference. Haven’t seen a single flake all winter IMBY in Hickory, NC. Hoping to see some fall from the sky tomorrow here at the McCormick Center before my scheduled flight leaves ORD in the late afternoon. HRRR and NAM look robust, but @RCNYILWX has me tempering expectations based on the possible dry slot. Of course, I hope my flight actually gets off the ground too…
  10. 43.9/36 in the NW piedmont in Hickory, NC. An occasional sleet pellet will bounce off the deck. Not very hopeful for much of anything out of this tomorrow morning.
  11. 1-2 sloppy inches of heavy wet snow would be a great win for Hickory. These ratios are going to be like 5:1, not 10.1. Thus, I’ll adjust the GFS Kuchera output for KHKY of 5.3 down to 2 or so. Hoping to see actual snowflakes fall from the sky. It’s been so long…
  12. Let’s allow the run to develop before declaring it a bust. LOL
  13. I think his entire graphic/forecast is simply based on elevation. Thus, the lower elevations of the foothills and piedmont get very little and all the high peaks of the Apps are in pink. It’s not necessarily a bad way to go, but I think your geographic location (more north, more west, more…) should also play into a full forecast. For instance, Hunter’s forecast has more snow forecast for the high peaks in the Balsams area than Panovich has for up around Grandfather Mountain, even though they are relatively the same in elevation. Thus, Hunter’s is more nuanced to consider other factors than just elevation. (To be fair to Panovich, he seems to be calling this “potential” rather than a forecast.)
  14. It seems to start as rain for most everybody and then, over time, as the ULL passes to our east the cold air is brought down and heavy wet snow begins to fall in the western parts of the Carolinas and Virginia.
  15. Yesterday, a buddy and I hiked from Brown Gap north on the AT to Max Patch. It was a beautiful clear day. Snow the day before had come down to about 3300. Brown Gap is at 3500 and Max Patch is at 4600. Thus, we hiked in about an inch of snow the entire way - just under 7.5 miles round trip. I love being the first on a trail after a snowfall, so that my tracks are the first made (other than the many animal signs we saw). When we got to Max Patch summit, we had it completely to ourselves. 360 views under clear skies. Beautiful views of the snow line on the Black Mountain Range to the NE, Mt LeConte to the SW, and Roan Highland balds way in the distance to the N. According to my Kestrel, the temperature at the summit was 24 F, the max wind gust I recorded was 21 mph, and the average wind speed was a stiff 12 mph producing a wind chill frequently in the single digits. Fortunately, we were dressed for the elements, and the sun made it very pleasant (as long as you kept your back to the wind). And, that part of the AT is quite sheltered, other than when on the summit. I love a good winter hike! (These are some lower-res uploads from Tapatalk. Not that great, but you will get the idea.)
  16. 1.50 inches of rainfall today, on the dot, here at my house. It was raining all afternoon, long after the radar-indicated line of showers had moved through. Just a wedge day in the NW piedmont of NC.
  17. I count five, I think. Isn't that a small doe/fawn head behind the other head, second from the left? The are both looking to the left. Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  18. That was a big change from picture to picture. Beautiful!
  19. Most of us are snow hounds more than severe weather followers. I enjoy a good thunderstorm, but it’s the snowstorms that spark the most interest for most of us. Also, we have very few posters in this forum from MS, AL, and LA, where most of the tornado action occurs. Yes, there are tornados in GA, SC, and NC too, but not like in Dixie Alley, typically.
  20. It's been for several days, unfortunately. https://weather.cod.edu/textserv/raw/KGSP/NOUS62_FTMGSP/
  21. Came home last night after Christmas Eve service to water pouring into basement from a busted pipe. Yuck! Not how I envisioned spending the evening: cleaning up water. Now, I just have to repair it in the next day or so to make our home livable again. Gonna put in pex where I take out the old pipe section and get it away from the block wall. Merry Christmas to you all! Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  22. How does something "violently" agree with something else? I'm trying to picture that...
  23. I think we've gotten soft recently, regarding rainfall. My wife's boss referred to this weekend as a 100-year rain event for Hickory and wants them to work from home on Friday. What?! I have a conference ending early on Friday in Surry County, NC, because of potential bad weather; i.e., heavy rain. Really?! HS football has been moved up a day in Hickory because of Hurricane Ian. We can't play in rain?! Since when did we begin to cancel things because of rain? This is nuts. I think we get 2-3 inches of rain maximum in Hickory, NC. We can get that much in a single summer afternoon with thunderstorms. Maybe I am wrong and we get 10 inches of rain, but I don't get all the panicking in interior NC outside the mountains. Sent from my moto e5 supra using Tapatalk
  24. Same here in Hickory, NC. We got 0.62 inch of rainfall last night due to a rogue storm on the frontal passage, but that was the first measurable rainfall in weeks. We need the rain here.
  25. Been pretty boring weather-wise, recently. Picked up a heavy rain shower this afternoon, though -- 1.86 inches in about one half of an hour. That brings my yearly total up to 29.10 inches of rainfall, just off my ten-year average pace (see below in signature).
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