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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. I think your last paragraph sums it up pretty well. It’s a fatigue factor. We were up in Jay last Tuesday and we’re going to eat lunch at the Jay Village Inn but they were closed because of an employee testing positive for Covid. The state has been bouncing around between 75 and 150 new cases a day for the last month or so and staying below 2% positive rate as well so it’s almost like we are just barely keeping it below a boil.
  2. That’s a better location for snow than downtown Northfield. If I was working in the office, I’d offer to meet up for lunch someday in Montpelier.
  3. Marvelous Marvin Hagler died today. He was 66. I didn’t know he lived in New Hampshire. I’m not a huge boxing fan but he was great. https://apple.news/AYZejvQFxQZGXhNy66-1Vig
  4. I have 2300 hours of sick time but state employees in VT don’t get anything for them when we retire. I have about 230 hours of vacation time and can accrue up to 360 before I start losing it. They will pay out up to that amount when you leave state service. I’ve been with the State since 1993.
  5. Unfortunately, my roof panels were covered with snow until today.
  6. Yes, just like the pressure we get to reform health care.
  7. We dipped down to 31.8° and are up to 35.7°. The driveway is melting out so that's a good thing.
  8. 43.5° with a DP of 19.6° and bright blue skies. That's the way to run a melt.
  9. Was that Stowe today? Overcast all day up in Jay.
  10. I was up in your neck of the woods today and off the valley floors, it was mid winter. We rode from Lowell to Jay and then over towards Richford. Jay Peak was in clouds all day and the snow was chalky.
  11. Hookers and blow is the only way to invest $500K. That will give you true satisfaction.
  12. I'm an 80's hair band child but I prefer this one
  13. High of 32° off a low of 2.3° for me today. Tomorrow the run will start in earnest.
  14. So I have a very, very limited knowledge of high level economics but, do you think the Fed is trying to let some of the air out of the markets while counting on a strong recovery as we move out of the pandemic? The thinking being that the recovery will dull the pain.
  15. The part of Stowe we rode through yesterday was a winter wonderland. At least I think we were still in Stowe. Maple Run Lane and the Sterling Forest are the two locations that stick out.
  16. Met these guys getting ready to hit the trail. Edit to add: Sled dogs. The musher said she had 19 in the truck
  17. Did some riding in PF’s hood today. Lots of snow up in the hills between Stowe, Morrisville, Johnson and Jeffersonville.
  18. I've volunteered at 4 or 5 clinics. My "job" is to observe the after vaccination waiting area. I've seen more than 500 people and have only seen one that has had a bad reaction. I've only been there for first doses though and have heard the same about more people having reactions after the second shot. I'll see next week when I'm at the clinic again.
  19. That's how I got my first Moderna vaccination. I was volunteering at a clinic and they had some leftover. I'm scheduled foe the secon on the 19th. Meanwhile, this is the hospital in my area. https://vtdigger.org/2021/03/04/cvmc-wasted-99-vaccine-doses-last-month-because-the-hospital-lacked-a-process-for-scheduling/ They could have walked across the street to the mall and grabbed 99 people from Walmart instead of wasting the doses.
  20. The way my game is, that should have been what I did 20+ years ago
  21. Yes, that is on the opposite side of the valley from the road going to Warren.
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