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Everything posted by mreaves

  1. Want me to drive up and sneak some pics?
  2. Can Spieth continue his run of good form? I'd love to see Rory come out of nowhere to snag the career grand slam. Not sure I have a real pick yet though.
  3. I'd love to go out in the yard and pick some fresh lasagna from the vine.
  4. You're right. I hadn't thought of that. I'd actually support upping it to 10'X10' or 10'X12". As far as zoning in general goes, it's a mixed bag. It doesn't always promote smart growth and can be used over zealously. However, it also can be a valuable protection for neighbors. We just had a case where a business built and addition without getting a permit and then came to the DRB seeking a variance from setback requirements. It turns out that the addition may actually be partially on his neighbor's land. We obviously couldn't grant the variance request but now the neighbor at least has some recourse if they can't come to a boundary line adjustment agreement.
  5. Here are the exemptions from permits in our town. As you can see, our shed size exemption is pretty small. I was actually thinking it was 120 sf before I looked it up. In my defense, even though I am the chair of the DRB, we never see any of these types of things come before our board so I rarely look at these rules.
  6. Story on the explosion in backcountry skiing in VT Digger this morning https://vtdigger.org/2021/04/04/equipment-pandemic-fuel-explosion-in-popularity-of-backcountry-skiing/
  7. In my town, I don’t need any permits for inside work or if am just replacing an existing deck. I do need a building permit for new construction but as long as it complies with zoning regs, it’s pretty straight forward.
  8. I am the chair of my town’s Development Review Board. One of our duties is to review and grant variance requests. In VT, there are 5 questions an applicant must answer in order to receive a variance. Those are in state statute. The actual zoning regulations themselves vary from town to town. One of the questions basically asks if there is any other way you can do your project without requiring a variance. So, even though you may think you’d be ok with being up against the back property line, your best bet is to check the setback rules and comply if it’s at all possible. If there is a reason you can’t comply, such as severe topography or how your lot is shaped, then you’d qualify for a variance, at least here in Barre Town, VT.
  9. Check the zoning regs in your town to make sure the location you plan on putting the shed meet setback requirements. In our area, there are different distances for different zones. There are usually requirements for how far from your property lines you can build stuff. You want to make sure you have all required permits because if you ever want to sell, an unpermitted structure could derail that. Whether your neighbors care or not.
  10. This is what I observe around here too. When we were walking around the Waterfront and Church St. last weekend, it seemed like everyone was wearing a mask outside. I’m not sure if it was etiquette up there or just strictly following mask wearing.
  11. I thought Gonzaga had blown it with the missed 3 before UCLA came down an tied it up. I figured that would give UCLA momentum going into a second OT. I have Gonzaga winning it all but I’m too far back in both pools I’m in for it to matter.
  12. Great basketball game on right now. 11th seed UCLA taking #1 Gonzaga to OT.
  13. It’s the sound the ground I’m SE Mass makes drying out during these brutal drought conditions.
  14. Whenever I’m in the woods and see an old stone fence or abandoned cellar hole, I think about the people who farmed there and how they must of reacted when the saw the flat, fertile land of the Midwest. They must have thought they were crazy trying to farm the rocks of New England.
  15. https://www.healthvermont.gov/sites/default/files/documents/pdf/COVID-19-among-BIPOC-Data-Brief.pdf This was put out in December. The governor has consistently resisted anything but age banding, including BIPOC. https://www.wcax.com/2021/03/19/vt-health-reject-call-to-lift-all-bipoc-vaccination-criteria/ Because there has been a large increase in the rate of infection within the BIPOC community and there is a smaller percentage of vaccinations , the decision was made to try and target that community. https://www.burlingtonfreepress.com/story/news/local/2021/03/31/vermont-covid-update-vaccine-schedule-what-has-changed-vt/4818171001/
  16. Asian is part of the BIPOC definition?
  17. That tweet was aimed at the BIPOC community. Currently, everyone 50+ is eligible and everyone 16+ with conditions that make them vulnerable. https://www.healthvermont.gov/covid-19/vaccine/getting-covid-19-vaccine
  18. We had a rental with heated steering wheel. Loved that
  19. I’m going to do that at some point this spring. My clubs are 12 years old. I keep saying I’m going to get new ones but just never seem to get around to it. Responding to an earlier Runaway post, I am generally just being self-depreciating about my game. My biggest problems are a lack of consistency and a lack of portability in my game. I can get around my home track decently because I know every nook and cranny. I often struggle when I travel.
  20. Both our cars have factory auto start. With us not having a garage it makes scraping ice and crud much easier. My wife's car has heated seats that come on with the auto start too.
  21. Don’t worry, I’m sure there’s a vaccine.
  22. Oh, they come back, usually with a vengeance.
  23. I always look at it as if I just forgot all the bad habits I developed over the previous season.
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