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Everything posted by CoastalWx

  1. With the EPO ridge, the risk is the cold pushes south first, as you know. But, we aren’t sure exactly how it would manifest itself yet. With decent blocking maybe we can turn one of these into more of a SWFE.
  2. Been wiping and flushing those forecasts of no mild up for 10 days. My bum is red.
  3. Yeah. As you know it takes time to flush. First you need a courtesy flush which stops the PAC puke. Then, we flush again and make sure we get all the streak marks left around the bowl.
  4. The gfs may be on its own with the inv trough. Not impossible though.
  5. Maybe later in season? Other than typical punches it takes, I don’t see anything immediate. That’s not my expertise though.
  6. They are serviceable week 3, although still a lot of Pacific air. Looks better near or after Christmas.
  7. How many edibles did you consume?
  8. Because Boston is a vibrant world class city without the massive NYC feel. There’s no place I’d rather be.
  9. I know Kevin well. The only thing that gets him angry is bare ground and burly men with their arms hanging out the windows on a 55F January day. After a few wine coolers he and great 1717 would be BFFs.
  10. when Jspin dishes it, you tip your cap.
  11. Of course now the NW nudges start, but probably not enough for SNE.
  12. GEFS show you how nicely things can go.
  13. I completely agree. That’s what most have been saying. I think I even said earlier that it was a decent pattern and bad luck will likely cause this to miss, but that’s how it goes. You also can have the opposite with good luck in bad patterns.
  14. Ruff ruff ruff ruff brown Christmas.
  15. Anyways a 2 week relaxation period give or take has been well advertised. Time to drink until Christmas.
  16. Most weenies in here are like Santa’s Little Helper on The Simpson’s. They hear what they want to hear. Ruff ruff ruff ruff torch ruff ruff ruff ruff cold ruff ruff ruff ruff snow.
  17. Pull up a 500 MB anomaly map and squeal like a pig.
  18. Seems like Dad is going senile. Going to have to put him in a home soon.
  19. It’s typical December niño. We likely will miss next week so that’s bad luck. That’s how it goes sometimes. The pattern overall has been decent.
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