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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. I guess the question is whether that is legit, I mean the tightening shield. Or will the precip be more expansive
  2. That should translate nicely. 3/hour? Glad it is happening in daylight
  3. helluva forecast to have to make for the first storm, with all of the factors up here...ratios, rates, etc. But the recent models are all 12+ go 8-15? probably more like 6-12. Or live large at 1-2'? Probably only do that overnight if the outputs continue to show ~2"qpf.
  4. It is kinda cool when like 5 models in a row give you 1 to 2'. Could be a lot of very surprised people tomorrow afternoon
  5. I’d keep going up 93 to Loon or Woodstock. Or maybe Plymouth which is a college town. In all these cases you won’t have to drive far off of 93 and you will have restaurants nearby. You will want to have nice places to walk around. If you don’t have the right vehicle though, you won’t be able to leave until 93 is wet. Probably Sunday afternoon
  6. that 23.3 just east of me is through 10pm Saturday night? That must have some insane rates and it might not be over then? Even if we do that old ETA rule to cut qpf by a third, that is a great storm. Also NAM Euro rule here. I was going to set 6" as the over under but now might be 8. Jeff looks right on the edge if that band sets up west of him, but won't coastal ME finish well as it collapses to the coast?
  7. I imagine a whole bunch of watches are going to go up in the afternoon package. Let’s hope Chris and Mike are on the shift today and tonight
  8. these have been gut punches here usually, lately. for you, some deformation band or upslope will suddenly appear and you'll have a foot.
  9. When there is this much uncertainty in models I just assume it won’t work out well. But the Euro-nam thing does have a history so I guess this could be a big interior cne nne storm.
  10. I think that is better for more of us, as opposed to those overwhelming Greenland blocks that shove out everything too far south for us up here.
  11. Psychologically, I believe his melt may have served to clear the Freudian deck, so I think we’re good for snow now.
  12. I thought the WPC map looked very close and they had a high in a very good position. We hope.
  13. This sounds like a good stretch coming. We are perhaps gunshy given the last couple of winter forecasting challenges, and the frequently bad outcomes for us. But this kind of pattern seems like one that has enough cold air, a decent amount of activity, so likely things will show up, then back off and then come back strong. Also maybe we get one of those little surprises from a wave the slides quicly across underneath us and gives us 2-4 instead of some flurries. Or maybe we start to see models trend a bit colder, snowier as we get closer in this sort of set up.
  14. The last few years I really ruined us for NAO believability. The only thing I believe now is fast flow and negative EPO
  15. A d that is where the Atlantic side could help yes?
  16. I like the sound of this in our not too distant future. https://www.cpc.ncep.noaa.gov/products/predictions/threats/threats.php
  17. To you too Brian, and everyone. Not a normal thanksgiving but much to be thankful for.
  18. Wouldn’t be a bad thing to get a nice dump rain in the ground before everything freezes up. Looks like we have a shot to have a snow pack building by the end of the second week of December. That feels normal to meWouldn’t be a bad thing to get a nice dump rain in the ground before everything freezes up. Looks like we have a shot to have a snow pack building by the end of the second week of December. That feels normal to me
  19. after the last couple of years, I'd rather it look bad and then let it get better...psychologically at least.
  20. you and Kevin have a lot in common... you have been occassionally honking about parts of November and I refuse to give up.
  21. I'm just standing in for Zeus. I figure it is gonna be a great winter. front loaded with warmth to keep us outside and not going crazy, and backloaded with heavy snow as we follow the plows to the CVS to get our vaccines and emerge into the world again.
  22. i trust you to make it all work out for me...
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