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Everything posted by mahk_webstah

  1. whoa...biggest of my life was PD1 in Delaware at 25" you think that is for real? that would mean this band sits and pivots over us.
  2. doesn't look as good here on that radar but it is snowing even harder now
  3. you are in the orange part of that band - all bets are off. 3' for you. maybe 2' for me
  4. Looking at the radar, my God. How long is this goinig to last?
  5. Yes! Sorry, but I didn't want to delete the video lol. She found a place where the snow blew away enough.
  6. What a band now! The video was just before the band intensified. Brian I think the NE wind is helping me as I’m on the south edge of the band. Man it blew up in the last few minutes!
  7. You underestimate how often we miss the goodies... Very glad to have your voice back on here! I know you like the pics...I'll try to get a few on here in a bit, especially the 5 month old golden in her first big snow.
  8. I hear you. take a ride north a little later.
  9. It usually doesn't! But I kept holdiing out hope. Even affter the brief south trend yesterday, we kept having these deform bands showing up across south central nh. Did you get your foot at least?
  10. much windier than that a you can see in my video. would guess gusts to at least 20, maybe 30. I can tell because of the sound of my vent fan from the stove.
  11. took at least 30 measurements. Averaged out to about 12. So that gives me 3.5" in 1 hour and 15 minutes. Looking at the radar I'd think another 6-10?
  12. It’s dark but you get the picture yes
  13. Wow I’m probably around 10. You’re a little more in the heart of that than I am. But I’m not complaining
  14. Snowing even harder now. Too dark to getvpic
  15. I’ve seen that before in these kind of situations and there’s a good chance it holds off or just fills in. The jackpot tees flirt with it sometimes It already looks like it’s filling in quickly down in Massachusetts
  16. Worries about the huge dry slot opening up wsw of con?
  17. I just went out and measured in a bunch of different places and got an average of 8 1/2 inches. It is so windy though and snowing so hard. Will have a foot by 7. Seems like it’s a blizzard out there and I haven’t seen any thing this intense since I’ve lived here
  18. I think I just had a flash but no thunder
  19. Snowing right now do you see that band that’s just to our south about to rotate up? That looks like the same radar colors that were on that band out in Pennsylvania
  20. I guess I better get up lol. Have no idea how much we have
  21. you can see that beautiful band moving up through sne. if it gets here in full force and sits when the pivot starts....would be very good ratios possibly.
  22. the euro, the nam and now these 2. could be a fun morning? fingers crossed
  23. don't see any flakes here. how is your humidity?
  24. you do deserve it! hope its still going in the morning so you can have a good walk.
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