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Everything posted by IUsedToHateCold

  1. I’m expecting flakes but too warm temperatures for any meaningful stickage.
  2. Those tiger mosquitos are awful, and totally unavoidable in a suburban neighborhood like mine. We literally don’t go outside in our yard in the summer and they still follow us the house
  3. Looks like Andrews AFB has gone straight to summer
  4. This is the type of stuff I wish I understood about weather, but don't. 0z NAM showed the possibility of a sliver of precip making it up here by morning, but I'm not counting on it.
  5. Still mostly sleet here. Interesting that there is snow to my east
  6. If I had to forecast this storm, this is what I would go with
  7. I'll stick with the safe forecast - something may or may not fall out of the sky in the next few days. Obs? Sun and cold. Should drop below freezing pretty quick. Radar? Looks like there is precip in western TN, so nothing is getting here too quick. NAM says start time tomorrow morning. I'll believe that.
  8. Uhh - you can? There is an ignored users feature.
  9. Imagine my disappointment to wake up and see a storm thread. I’m so jaded already. Whatever that ledge thing is I’ve already jumped.
  10. Lol. I'm looking forward to another half inch of sleet with some pity snow thrown in.
  11. It’s interesting how these crazy cold shots come down so far south in the middle of the country. I would think that the Gulf of Mexico would help moderate temps in places like Houston, but apparently not or not always? I read recently that in 1895 there was snow as far south as Tampico, MX. Seems like the Atlantic (or maybe our longitude) is our worst enemy here in the mid Atlantic
  12. That cold shot is insane. It's 14 degrees with light snow in Memphis TN right now. My yard hasn't been that low this year, and I'm pretty sure hasn't been that low in at least a few years.
  13. I’ve got the snow pellets and sleet now-it appears to be moving east.
  14. 100 percent sleet now. Everything nicely coated in ice
  15. I will second this. Trees and bushes with a noticeable glaze here and one inch icicles hanging from my deck furniture. Coming down light to moderate
  16. If this qpf keeps up they are going to need an ISW here. Looks glazed out and freezing rain coming down moderately.
  17. Like the others I have light freezing rain. Radar looks good. Since it’s not snow I expect to get deathbanded in this event
  18. Yup, and RIC has more snow than me this year. Hell, some places in Texas probably have more snow than me too. If this keeps up I'm going to just go ahead and plant some palmetto trees in my yard. If we can't have winter, might as well pretend to be tropical.
  19. I was in that band and saw nothing, FWIW.
  20. Somewhere around an inch here. Light snow. Edit-closest to .75
  21. All snow now after a period of 100% heavy pingers and a mix.
  22. Pingers picking up in intensity. It won’t be long I hope
  23. Lol at this map. Definitely no snow here. I’m getting more sleet now though, cc line has sunk a bit
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