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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. Except for that dry slot that been following me all day like a puppy dog.
  2. Dry slotted, temp jumped up 2 degrees, this storm sucks for mew after model run after model run giving me the goods. Can't win them all I guess. Good luck to those getting the good snows, hope it piles up for you guys.
  3. Saw it happening with the models at 0Z last night, you were sleeping, we might get 3-4 inches, dryslot is killing us.
  4. The screw zone is more East, I had 20 in 92, not getting anything close to that today.
  5. I'm with you, same here, got a little over an inch before the dryslot.
  6. the NAM and GFS has a big snowhole right in the middle, WOR looks good and East looks good, Worcester north looks good too but what else is new.
  7. Would like to see the look on Kevins face when he gets up tomorrow morning.
  8. I've gone up 2 degrees in the last hour, not looking good here.
  9. I've been getting 12-20+ for days, the latest nam gives me 3 inches. I don't ever remember a wacky storm like this.
  10. What a gradient, almost nothing to 20 inches in a short distance, I'm on the line, I guess could go either way.
  11. If we can flip before the majority of the heavy stuff we might do ok.
  12. I'm at 37 with a mix, hopefully it flips to all snow in a couple of hours.
  13. Just got a blizzard warning on my phone, it said 6-12 inches here.
  14. It's going to be interesting to see what models comes closest to getting this right.
  15. Noyes has Worcester, to me and to Kevin at 12-18, I would be happy with that, 18-24 more north and west.
  16. I'm in the same boat, a few runs had me at 20+ and some under 8 inches, right now I'm on the edge of double digits.
  17. The cashier at the store said that to me last night, she said it would melt faster with the extra hour of daylight. I just said , sure.
  18. If the low was a little more west on hour 78 shown on the GFS a lot of us would get buried.
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