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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. My sister's large deck was loaded with acorns, I cleaned them up yesterday and they were back today. We blow it off the deck and she has a nut pick up basket and gives them to her neighbor to feed her goats. Goats are gonna be fat this winter.
  2. That's the chance you take and they jacked up prices for that timeframe, too.
  3. I tried booking a place in Vermont for April 24 eclipse and everything is booked. Maybe PF knows of something. If not, I'll drive up for the day or stay somewhere in Maine.
  4. That's what I've been doing with my hickory nuts, there's a ton this year, I'm mostly raking and shoveling shells, the squirrel colony take the nuts.
  5. I have a couple dogwoods and get a ton of berries, I looked up to see if I can do anything with and read the asians make jam with them. Seemed like to much work so I've been chucking them into the woods.
  6. I saw the head right off but had to stare to see the rest of it.
  7. Something very fishy about this story. What do you think happened?
  8. I would take that, I like snow at 12 degrees but any snow is good snow.
  9. I don't think he'd fire him mid-year and will let him finish out the season. The good news is we might get the highest draft pick in over 20 years.
  10. My brother's dog has to take meds before a vet visit and also gets muzzled, he's a rescue so who knows what happened before he got him. That's great news on your pup, hope you have him for many more years.
  11. Between the 14th and the 18th looks good.
  12. We went up one Columbus day weekend and woke up to the top of the mountain white.
  13. My sisters went up to stay with my sister this weekend and got stuck in that traffic. They hit it on 290, 495 and 95. Took them a long time to get up there.
  14. There was a huge backup on 209 and 495 this afternoon too. No accidents so not sure why it was so bad.
  15. I worked at OSV back in the 80's bartender at the Bullards Tavern.
  16. Sturbridge gets super crowded when we get towards peak, we used to get leaf peepers at the restaurant but used to do well in tips that time of the year.
  17. Just don't fly into a spider's web or your worst nightmare will come true.
  18. I remember even the small ponds having ice for only a short time, the bigger lakes had some small coatings, but it was never safe to go out into the middle.
  19. My stone chimney has been leaking this year, and that's after putting two coats of masonry waterproof on it, was going to put a third coat Saturday but doesn't look like that's happening.
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