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Everything posted by DavisStraight

  1. I got a Fiskars too, I like all their tools, I have an electric splitter, as 12 ton gas and a friend nearby with a 22 ton. Haven't lit the stove yet although I should have last night, house was cold this morning.
  2. Thought we were in line for a great winter that year, but nope.
  3. Yesterday after every little gust of wind it was raining leaves. My lawn is covered again already.
  4. I found a giant one in my bushes not 5 feet from the door I use every day, lucky I or my dog never got stung, we never knew it was there until the fall. My dog stuck her nose in one near the front porch once, thankfully, she's not allergic but got a scare.
  5. One of the courses I golf collects those in the winter, they have over 20 of them hung on the walls in the clubhouse.
  6. That's more than 50%, last cleanup should be easy for you.
  7. Same here but I have no oaks on my property, the woods across the street are lined with oaks and the leaves blow into my yard, that was the longest task today, getting rid of the oaks. Acorns are crazy too but not many blow into my yard. I would say 50% of leaves down? What do you guys think?
  8. I'm sure it has I just remember doing leaf cleanup with gloves on because of the cold and wearing a sweatshirt. Just a tee today and sweated. Last cleanup will be colder than today, guaranteed.
  9. First time I remember sweating doing leaf cleanup. I got a lot done today, one more cleanup and I should be good. My brother has this kick ass leaf blower, borrowed it today and made life easier.
  10. 75 here now, it's a great day to do some fall cleanup, let the rest of the leaves fall and I'll do one more in about 2-3 weeks, by then it should be a bit cooler.
  11. I'm just about to do mine, I might go over the lawn one last time clean up and leftover leaves before I put my winter fert down.
  12. Anyone know where he was found? Justice served and time and money and grief saved for the state of Maine and the victims families.
  13. Next town over from me, Sturbridge, MA is always inundated with peepers this time of year. I used to like it when I tended bar, I'd clean up for a couple weeks in October.
  14. Got some good reds and orange which was lacking over here, bright yellows and some muted reds here but it's much brighter there.
  15. You can tell just from interacting with him here that's he's such a good dude, really down to earth salt of the earth type.
  16. Sorry for your loss Jeff, your family will be in my prayers today.
  17. Didn't he leave a suicide note to his son? I haven't read all posts so not sure if this has been discussed.
  18. Not that unusual looking at this MesoWest Surface Weather Maps (utah.edu)
  19. Surrounded by them, I've been on the low side last couple of days, I was in Worcester earlier, it was much warmer.
  20. I only got to 73 but getting inundated with stink bugs.
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