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Everything posted by MANDA

  1. Yeah, one of the Rutgers network sites. You can view the data here: https://www.njweather.org/ Picture of the station for those interested.
  2. Received .05" rainfall overnight. Water in the gauge is greenish yellow in color. Pollen season is here.
  3. Hi @ForestHillWx- I see Rutgers just installed a new obs. network site in Chester. Anywhere near your location. Kind of nice to have an official site in your home town.
  4. Certainly can't be anything less than today !
  5. Pattern looks locked in for a while. No meaningful rain next 7-10 days, perhaps even beyond. Wet corridor next week or so running from Texas to western Lakes. Some excessive totals likely there. Dry here. Overall soil moisture is in good shape as are watershed supplies. Topsoil will dry notably over the next week though. On the bright side the grass seed I planted is doing well. Light watering daily is enough and no heavy rain to wash it away. Timed that right.
  6. Some cold mins in the spots that radiate well. Overnight low of 31 here.
  7. Cold upstate NY this morning. Looks like KSLK bottomed out at 13.
  8. Heavy shower here lasted 90 seconds.
  9. When you find some tomato and pepper plants that are drought resistant let me know.
  10. ok. I will send away for some mail order cactus.
  11. I'd just prefer not to spend hours a week walking around with a garden house and/or sprinkler. Not to mention increasing my water bill. Mother nature does it better and more effectively when she cooperates.
  12. I'm guessing you don't like to garden?
  13. Pattern has switched to very dry. No meaningful rain next 7-10 days at least. Despite the blocking pattern warmth should out duel cool next few weeks.
  14. Yeah, people don't get that low humidity, breezy conditions and lack of short term rainfall all dry the topsoil and fire fuel out real fast so fires are a legit threat coming up.
  15. A little less than 2 hours to go until we reach maximum daylight in about 2 months. Time seemingly moving so fast.
  16. Getting there. Less than an hour before we reach the latest sunset. I know, it is two months away so don't me.
  17. Event total rainfall here was 2.93". Another thorough soaking. Not like we needed it. Torrential rains at times yesterday with gusty winds. Winds howled overnight once again.
  18. Amazing shot! Beautiful.
  19. For me that was the most impressive part, the way the light just burst forth. Totality was right there with it though. The entire event was a humbling experience.
  20. They did not and I was told by an employee who was standing nearby that the store had made arrangements so that they would not. So glad they arranged for that. Honestly had not thought about that until I heard others talking about it in the hours just before it all started. Was glad when the word spread that they would not come on.
  21. Where where you in Newport? I was in the Walmart parking lot. Walmart was great to allow their parking lot to be turned into a festival atmosphere. Totally agree with your thoughts about return trip. Vermont not able to handle that kind of mass movement of traffic. Found 91 to be a horrible road with like you said few exits and minimal if any services along the interstate itself. The few parking lots along the route turned into a large public toilets.....in the woods. Ok for us guys but felt sorry for some of the ladies. Agree, worst traffic I have ever seen or been in. Same here just over 12 hours to get home, really closer to 14 if I account for some naps I had to take once into NY state. Same experience the first 3-4 hours were horrendous.
  22. Left NJ about 12:30 a.m. Monday. Hardly a car on the road the entire trip. Made it up to Newport, VT near the Canadian border in NE Vermont in just over 6 hours. Lots of time to kill prior to event but it was a party atmosphere, tailgating, campers. Trip home was a horror show. Better than 12 hours in total and 91 south in Vermont was a near parking Was like a badly executed hurricane evacuation. Eventually cut over to I87 near Troy/Albany and continued south from there. Well worth the trip.
  23. Agree! Was in Newport, VT. Absolutely a surreal experience. 100% vs. anything less no comparison.
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