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Everything posted by Brian5671

  1. I agree-nothing has really moved up in time-looked snowy 12/23-24, then it was the 28th and now we're back to the 1st... - the 28th is now rain to the Canadian border...
  2. yep, the EPO is still positive...not much help anywhere right now, +NAO, poor MJO etc
  3. Just 10 short days away...it all keeps getting pushed back....never a good sign...and the potential SSW event is also getting pushed back....bad trends today IMO
  4. new GFS is fairly dry for xmas eve and then is setting up another storm for the 27th-looks wet though.
  5. that was a moderate nino with crazy -NAO and -AO. Very rare.
  6. Yep, Thursday nights weeklies could show the Russians marching down the frozen Hudson for all we know....
  7. Dec 2013 had a mid month snow event here, but that was about it, Dec 2014 was nada. took really til Jan 20, 2015 for that winter to kick in, but boy when it did....WOW
  8. same deal living just NW of Philly as a kid-Allentown and Reading where the places to be for the big snows-we were often snow to rain or just a cold rain
  9. yep-gone in a 4-5 with a massive cutter that followed...but that's life.
  10. agree-if we remember back to 12/5/03, there was a torch in the week before, we got the -NAO/-AO and cold poured in and 15 inches of snow later....
  11. white gold they call the snow...
  12. watches for some areas for sure...
  13. worst thing that could ever happen...my neighbors last night were talking about a foot of snow--come on people....
  14. they're all over social media and people are lapping them up like a thirsty dog.
  15. given the costs, environmental concerns, etc etc, it will never happen in our lifetimes...
  16. heavy traffic with the holiday weekend (for some). Rumor was that Rte 25 from Bridgeport was proposed to cross the sound and go in somewhere around Port Jeff....never got constructed but wow-that would have made the trip alot easier...
  17. that squall line was modeled much further north-it's northern extent was where the models had the southern extent! going to end up with about .50 here give or take...HRRR had the lesser amounts and that looks to verify.... HRRR from a few hours ago
  18. even quicker than modeled-most models had the heaviest ending 10pm to 1am SW to NE
  19. big dryslot punching north through philly...if this were winter we'd be nervous....
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