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Everything posted by TimB

  1. Been to two regular season Steelers games in my life, both in the Cowher era and both at Three Rivers. One was a 27-9 loss to the Bengals, the other was an overtime loss to the Eagles where they blew a 10 point lead in the closing minutes. Haven’t been since, except for a preseason game a few years back.
  2. Believe me, you’re preaching to the choir here. I don’t see it that way either, but some might.
  3. I think the idea of that person’s comment was that someone who is prone to gambling but hesitant to get the vaccine (which is probably a large overlap, because not getting the vaccine means gambling with your life) might get the vaccine for the sole purpose of being entered in this lottery. Still, I have no problem with it, because getting vaccinated isn’t an “agenda.”
  4. Well my thought of reaching 88 today didn’t happen. I’ll bet we top out at 86, maybe 87 tomorrow.
  5. The only scary view here is the WSJ’s ludicrous and baseless accusation that anyone who believes climate change is real is comparing climate deniers to Holocaust deniers.
  6. This fact is also conveniently ignored by some when trying to say that states with particular political leanings have done better with covid than others. I’m glad we didn’t see how, say, Florida would have performed if they got their surge last March.
  7. Easier for covid not to spread rampantly and not overwhelm the hospitals in states with very low population density like those five, as compared to NY or CA.
  8. Temps only soar around here when they have the chance to change a winter storm to rain, you know this.
  9. Hence the reason it’s spent so much time at the top of the page. Most boring spring in history for almost the entire country.
  10. Didn’t even have to read this sentence to guess which 5 states it was.
  11. 88 seems a bit ambitious now, would take 6 degrees from here on. We should reach 83 this afternoon for the first time since 9/10/2020 (251 days is good for 14th all time). Of note, both times in the 1900s that we hit 103 followed a cold season that was on this list, which is almost certainly a coincidence, given the sample size, but...
  12. Morning lows have run cooler than forecast by several degrees too, which is gladly welcomed. That’ll change as dewpoints rise the next few days.
  13. I don’t look at the HRRR much besides winter and severe, and beyond that I’m no expert by any stretch, but the past few times we’ve had these cold to warm transitions this spring it’s done better than most. But the NWS seems to have us in the 84-85 range today with their forecast, so there’s some spread.
  14. Just to clarify, I was never stating that the booster was simply a means for Pfizer to profit off of this thing, or that they intentionally made the vaccine in such a way that they could “milk the cow” for annual profits. Boosters are a normal thing for many vaccines and it was always likely we would need one. My issue was the optics of the person making the announcement being one of the people who stands to profit the most in the long run and how the general public would take it.
  15. That would be the HRRR, I believe. Tops us out at 88 today and 89 tomorrow.
  16. Should easily go past that today, starting 6 degrees warmer than yesterday. Wouldn’t be surprised to see us get to 88-90. Need to average about 83/63 the rest of the month to finish with normal temps. If the Euro verifies it just might happen.
  17. I’m about 15 minutes outside Pittsburgh so I generally go with that on the models. Looks like a solid 0.7” by Tuesday morning with of course more in the mountains of Westmoreland/Fayette counties as always. GFS is inconsistent with this feature but the 6z is the best it’s been.
  18. Yeah, I’m agreeing to disagree. Back to weather.
  19. Man, I really tried to bite my tongue here because I’m technically a guest in this thread being from western PA and I’m here to talk about the weather in weather-related threads. But something about comparing having to show your vaccine card upon entering a private business, to what people went through in Nazi Germany at the hands of the government just rubs me the wrong way. Sorry, not trying to ruffle any feathers. I understand your point of view on vaccine passports, I really do. But these two things are objectively not the same.
  20. I closed my windows at 9:30 this morning when the temp outside exceeded the inside temp (64) - had them wide open last night and we got down to 49 outside. Was just upstairs a bit ago and it still felt fairly comfortable but didn’t think to look at the thermostat. I’ll report on it again when I’m off work at 4. Edit: 68 inside at 4pm. 82 outside.
  21. The total precip over the 12z GFS run would squash any drought concerns in much of central PA.
  22. But what percentage of the general public even knows what the AFD is? If you’re conveying a message through your forecast to the general public, who wants to go swimming/boating/ camping/outdoor dining at breweries/etc. this weekend, wouldn’t you want to throw a 20-30% into the zones? Edit: on second thought, what percentage of the general public uses the NWS as their primary source for weather information as opposed to, say, the weather app on their iPhone?
  23. CTP also looks like they’re putting MDT in the 80s on Monday, which the latest models don’t support at all.
  24. How does the Icon generally perform? I rarely if ever look at it.
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