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Everything posted by TimB

  1. Interesting. A lot of seasonal lag in summer but very little in winter.
  2. Records for any day of any month at any location in Washington and Oregon are 118 and 119, respectively, though I think the 119 is disputed.
  3. That 123 on that map would break the state record for Washington by 5 degrees and Oregon by 4.
  4. 31 at Canaan Valley, WV (I believe a similar type of location).
  5. No hard feelings towards anyone who’s on the “other” team in the summer, believe me.
  6. The thing is, most people on a weather forum are undoubtedly on the same team in January. That’s simply not true in July.
  7. The rug gets pulled out constantly some winters. And I suppose, for those who want consistent heat, the rug keeps getting pulled out this summer.
  8. Because summer is incredible when it’s not ridiculously hot and humid for 90 days straight.
  9. On that note, lock in that GFS 4th of July. Won’t get tarred and feathered for those maps.
  10. This Pacific Northwest heat wave early next week could be historic, and that’s now 3 regions of the country with historic June heat waves.
  11. Crazy how fast that flipped. Days that are really only ~150 hours out went from being modeled to be in the mid-90s to barely touching 70 in a matter of a couple runs.
  12. That’s actually incredible. One time while I was having trouble falling asleep I tried to remember the names of all 67 but only got to 62 or 63, but I don’t know if I could do the map.
  13. RE: the first bolded point, I agree that the tornado warning and “possible tornado” probably had much more to do with the decision to survey than anything else. My comment was meant somewhat facetiously. RE: the second bolded point, I absolutely concur. We didn’t get slammed in my immediate vicinity, but I live in the north hills and I’ve driven through parts of McCandless and Hampton several times in the past week and the tree damage seems to be a bit more than your typical low-end severe thunderstorm.
  14. I’m interested in the sanctity of weather records, whether it be PIT, MDT, Antarctica, or the moon.
  15. Not to be cynical, but do you think the fact that 6 trees got uprooted next to a playground where rich people’s children play had something to do with it?
  16. It’s official, there was a tornado in Allegheny County on Monday. Thankfully looks like mostly a non-event.
  17. Probably too early to call it, but King CMC might have had it right all along.
  18. And what about the people who answer “yes” to “do you wear a helmet when you ride” when they don’t? I’m sure it’s not an insignificant number, since there’s no way to enforce that.
  19. Your 90s are coming. And quite possibly before we get out of June at that. Well maybe. I think we could get there Sunday but it’s less likely after that.
  20. An insurance company is a business. The more they pay out in claims, the more everyone’s rates go up. Just because it isn’t explicitly spelled out that way on your bill doesn’t mean it isn’t baked into the premiums somehow. Also, I’m absolutely certain there are plenty of people who ride without helmets but don’t tell the insurance company they ride without helmets. But this is so far off topic that I’ll stop there.
  21. 18z GFS holds serve or dare I say doubles down on the ridge.
  22. The bolded is why this won’t fly. People are all caught up in the illusion of American exceptionalism, especially when compared to countries where they view the people as “other”.
  23. I mean I’m sure I’m biased toward that, being an introvert, but the things I’ve discussed in the past regarding this haven’t had all that much to do with being social. I want to work from home at least 50% of the time forever, not because I fear human interaction at the office, but mostly because I don’t want to waste hours and hours of every week commuting. I like the idea of wearing masks especially when feeling ill, but wearing masks doesn’t prevent one from socializing with other people. And I like the idea of strangers continuing to give personal space when waiting in line (where feasible), but how often do you interact with the person in front of or behind you in line anyway? EVERYTHING in this world is built for extroverts, it’s time to settle that score a little.
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