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Everything posted by SnowenOutThere

  1. 0z GFS gets close, even has some snow for Mount PSU.
  2. Gotta make sure you cut it low for snow season.
  3. You might need to change your name after that post
  4. Its that time again, as the seasons change we get ever closer to seeing blue maps back into the region. Think this is the first one I've seen with snow over the metro area itself from the ever reliable CFS.
  5. BWI: 10/27 IAD: 10/27 DCA:10/28 RIC: 10/28 Peak October Temp at DCA: 79 F What can go wrong using the good ole CFS
  6. Some hints of winter showing up on very long range GFS, tis the season I suppose
  7. Got it, just have a 15 foot concreate raised base on the waterfront which I am sure is allowed by Florida zoning.
  8. And we got that high to the north, too bad it’s September and not January
  9. I guess this statement is why people say meteorologists always get things wrong.
  10. Probably not a lot of power or service left by the second eyewall pass.
  11. Basically it’s when land is so saturated it acts as water which makes a hurricane over land weaken less. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brown_ocean_effect
  12. That’s called the brown ocean effect right there
  13. That cannot possibly be good new for Tampa or Fort Myers, for Tampa it makes the northern eyewall get dangerously close or hit them and for Myers it just increases the already bonkers surge.
  14. Its gonna be bad for Tampa to Fort Myers south, if anyone stays at this point its on them, this storm was pretty well forecasted and surge was predicted.
  15. Eye looks to finally clear out in the past hour or two from ir view
  16. Definitely looks that way on radar, looks like the intense convection is trying to wrap around on both sides along with the moat being filled in. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/nexrad/index.php?parms=BYX-N0Q-1-24-100-usa-rad
  17. Looks to be heading alongside the coast of Cuba for a bit while maintaining an impressive eye. Might shift the path a little further east.
  18. That may be a near worst case scenario run for Tampa Bay, has both surge and winds into the city.
  19. Will be interesting to see visible in an hour or so.
  20. If that blob takes off we are off to the races tonight.
  21. If the euro is correct they got 3 days to prepare.
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