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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. I don't think you could ask for anything better for this region. That map is basically perfect. Eta, the down side to this is it can only get worse from here on out.
  2. Could do without that mixing over SoMD but it seems like we always mix during the big ones so maybe that's a good sign.
  3. I fixed my poor food pattern a few minutes ago just by having lunch.
  4. Forget 6"of snow, we might get that much rain at this rate. The rain is no joke and intense.
  5. Coming down pretty good now. Benson approves of the snow.
  6. Light snow here, temp has dropped a few degrees down to 23F. Snow is definitely sticking. "Simba" the squirrel is out surveying his domain from his lair on the porch in the snow.
  7. Light snow here, temp has dropped a few degrees down to 23F. Snow is definitely sticking.
  8. I'm facing that snow down. Petunias are looking suspect after last night. 29F.
  9. Crazy we're expecting mostly rain down here and it's only 17F outside.
  10. 22F and still. That's as good as it's gonna get for this rainstorm.
  11. We'll promote that shit to chairman of the board if it means truth.
  12. You and the 14 CEOs she oversees. Private Equity is top of the capitalist food chain...for better or worse.
  13. Is that DT? If he were a CEO my wife would fire him with extreme prejudice.
  14. My thoughts too, especially if the wind comes to fruition.
  15. The ground is pretty much frozen solid, I wonder what'll happen when we get heavy rain here? Seems like a recipe for a messy flooding muddy mess.
  16. Yeah it's basically 4wd and I recently got new tires mounted on it, it'll handle anything as long as the snow doesn't reach the undercarriage. Original owner, first year they brought it to the states and it hit 20yo this year. Lol it feels like an old Cadillac now compared to the NSX. Honestly the NSX would be epic in snow with the traction control, AWD and three independent electric motors if not for the ground clearance issue.
  17. Maybe he is a loser, I honestly don't know other than what I read on this board. He seems obnoxious at the least.
  18. Gotta love DC money, DCL really stumbled into a gold mine with that. I'm looking just for land as we will build the cabin separately.
  19. How is it Calvert county is the only county on the map that's white (no advisories?). I live in a winter hellmouth.
  20. Why does everybody hate DT? I remember some posts from a year or two back where he was going crazy and having a meltdown or something and he seems to be good at lashing out and blaming others for his own shortcomings. But other than that is he ok?
  21. Talked to the realtor, I'm setting up to look at that property next week if conditions allow. The G Wagon is getting serviced so I'd have to drive my old WRX and am not sure how good the roads are.
  22. I actually am a rocket scientist and I don't have a focking clue what that says.
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