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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. 2012 would like a word with you. My wife found a freshly eclosed Luna moth the first week of April! Yeah I'm just making shit up but I got a feeling.
  2. It's cold out. I think that was it for this winter's storms. Spring is incoming once we get through the next ten days.
  3. I stand corrected. How much is it to buy the board?
  4. Really, you have to pay to get more memory? I'm totally confused.
  5. No I'm not going to waste my time trying to host images. It used to be that you could post pics at least 1MB in size. Not sure if the server changed this afternoon or if for some reason me personally had my picture size reduced to 172K. If the former then that sucks for the future of the board. If the latter then I'm going to bite my tongue.
  6. Flakes are small now. Back in Michigan this would be considered crap snow. But whatever. I tried to add a pic but got some bullshit warning that my pic was greater than 172kb. What is this, 1998?
  7. Saw like 7 flurries in Huntingtown while I was out moving logs around. 37F.
  8. I wish WB would include soundings. I'm not excited about free euro, it sucks now anyway so why would anybody bother to look at it?
  9. AWoke up to a WWA today! I feel up to 6" is a possibility at least at this point. Wife was up in DC last night onboarding a new CEO so Benson and I had boys night which means he gets to sleep in the bed. Don't tell.
  10. Yeesh, natural gas futures sure think the cold is coming. At one point up over 60% just today, still up about 40% for the day.
  11. What do we even do with the NAM? There's so much disparity between the models.
  12. Oh yeah definitely not in the entire storm jackpot which would be up north, was more considering the forum group, though eastern shore will probably get more. Still I'm hesitant to get excited because even a shift east by 5 miles at game time would be majorly detrimental to snow totals.
  13. Being in the "jackpot" location of the storm, if you could call it such a thing, I think it's gonna be a game time decision. I could see it equally likely that we get a foot of snow or nothing at all. You can be sure that if it's the former I'll be here to provide pics of the muck truck in action. Really need to get snow tires for the G.
  14. Man I just looked at the GFS. What a massacre. Back when I lived in Michigan we got more snow than that when my mom sneezed. This evolution has been a legit travesty.
  15. (Thinks of a way to incorporate TI and ALEET in the same lame joke...)
  16. I actually think it's pretty genius if there's any method behind the madness. From what I've seen I doubt that's the case so you're probably right.
  17. What goes on in one's mind when they decide they need to come up with a snow map with such detail? He has five geographical ranges with five percentage values for each range and each geographical ranges has a unique percentage spread. I give him cred for such a statistics boondoggle. I'm in the 3-6", 40% confidence band. Hope he's right. Eta, I assume the black area is just the storm impacted zone. Etax2...if I squint I'm about right on the blue line so close to 7-11" 35% confidence. I'm gonna clutch those pearls.
  18. Dropped the kids off at the pool, took a shower, watched some YouTube drag race videos and the NAM still isn't done. IronTy's weather maps service will all come out at the same time. No waiting for this crap.
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