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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. It seems like it's this way every spring down here lately.
  2. They can't resist Mongolian interlopers.
  3. My wife approves of this post.
  4. We've decided to build a yurt on the mountain land in the interim while we save cash to build our cabin. I can't wait til next fall. I've yet to see the land without snow on the ground though. We're gonna go camping sometime in April or may, hopefully when the mountain laurels are blooming. It's gonna be fun where 80" is considered below normal!
  5. I hate 40deg days. It looks gorgeous out but there's just enough chill to need a coat and I still have to run the wood stove. 50s suck too since they always seem to feature wind around here.
  6. Woulda sucked if not for the foot of snow we got on my first day of retirement in January. Thanks to that we ended up at climo but otherwise it was crap IMO. B+.
  7. 45F and pretty windy out. Pretty lame, I'm sure it'll get cold tonight. My celery better not bolt. Wood stove has been going all day.
  8. I gotta check on the status of my petunias. My banana peppers are already blooming, need to get those planted in the garden asap. Maybe 2-3wks just to be sure of no freeze.
  9. There's never been a person who, on their deathbed, said "golly I wish I wasn't so good at math and wish I didn't become as rich as I did." Be proud of your kid no matter what he/she settles on for a career. As long as they're familiar with the exponential function they can be rich too. It's also a bit of a curse because you realize how unsustainable western culture is. Sometimes it's better to be ignorant.
  10. You're right that smartphones can run circles around most calculators. HP Prime has an emulator you can run on your phone (I use it from time to time) and there's also an HP48G and HP42 emulator. But none of them address the real issue which is tactile button feedback. Maybe the new kids don't care but there's something about the dedicated button feedback on a true calculator that can't be emulated.
  11. There's a company now called SwissMicros that specializes in releasing old HP calcs with modern hardware. Their flagship is the HP-42. Basically it uses the original HP operating system (thank you HP for releasing it) but it has an utterly gorgeous display and HW in general. You can see the entire stack at once, it's gorgeous with a digital ink display. I have a couple HP-48GX as well, though I'm experimenting with the HP Prime now. Awesome calc but the RPN programming support is meh.
  12. Just read it. You have to suffer through 2/3 of the first book about the Chinese cultural revolution but shit gets real after that. And by the time you hit the chapter The Singer in the third book you've gone off the deep end and you'll never see the universe the same again. Moral of the story...it's a bad idea to telegraph your presence to the universe at large.
  13. I'm obsessed with astrophysics. The universe is so impossibly huge and complex it drives me crazy. You ever read Tau Zero? A somewhat lame 70s sci Fi book but it addresses the exact relativity you bring up. And the greatest books I've ever read are the Three Body Problem trilogy. Utterly life changing.
  14. I'm just learning it myself so I can be more informed about the weather and maybe even a better poster someday. The math itself isn't so hard, you just need to remember all the constants. There aren't any imaginary numbers or anything so it's all pretty intuitive. Just gotta put in the work. Two years ago I taught myself basic astrophysics via a couple textbooks...now that was esoteric. It's hard to get excited about something so abstract as the universe though so I'm more interested in weather. Learning about relativity really doesn't have an impact on your daily life, but gravity waves....
  15. Bruh, real engineers use HPs and RPN. Luckily my watch has a slide rule built in for those times I'm without my trusty HP. It's surprising how often I use it for basic multiplication and division.
  16. Haha, I struggled through calc 1 and then something clicked and I got 100%+ in calc 2, calc 3, diff equations, and linear algebra. Doesn't mean I know anything about weather but I can math with the best of 'em.
  17. Hey I'm learning about gravity waves in my atmospheric climate textbook. I think there was some discussion on them earlier this winter. So much math in weather, I never knew! Lots of fun for an EE major and applied mathematics minor.
  18. You sure about that? Some of the leaves on the ground have a dusting on them but that's about it here. Sun's out too.
  19. Very light snow here, no accumulation, not even on my deck. But it looks nice and is a good end of winter event so I won't complain. It also gives me an excuse to run the wood stove.
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