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Everything posted by IronTy

  1. As I said, more platitudes than nascar.
  2. I swear weather hobbyists have the thickest book of platitudes of any other sport/hobby in the world. Even more than nascar.
  3. If it's not "region-wide", it doesn't exist apparently.
  4. I'm always skeptical during these arctic blasts. Seems like they usually end up cold, dry and windy. They're more impressive from an energy use perspective but the big snow events around here seem to be when things are marginal. At least in my area.
  5. Today I learned the word Toricity on the weather forums. Apparently it's a real thing in eyeballs. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4142625/#:~:text=The toricity is usually defined,of the cornea42-44.
  6. Yeah if Monday was a northern stream event then I say bring on the Northern stream every day of the week.
  7. Man when it comes to weather there are few things more depressing than a cold heavy rain on top of a dwindling snowpack. All that's missing is the shitty fog.
  8. 42F here...freezing rain isn't an issue for us this morning.
  9. I was a lurker for two years before I posted so I'd argue my newness...but the rest is spot on.
  10. It's strange that there should be so much drama on a weather forum because it's literally the one thing in life, and subsequently the one forum on earth, that nobody can do a damn thing about. Every single person is completely powerless to impact one iota of anything on the subject of the forum. Which is probably why it elicits such strong emotion. In fact there's probably a thesis topic in there for some budding phd psychology student.
  11. Sometimes you have to have complete capitulation before the good stuff can begin. The Bastardi JMA event comes to mind some years ago. One of the classics.
  12. Nothing like dropping the kids off at the pool first thing in the morning. Then after that I take my pup out and he does the same. Deuces everywhere.
  13. You ever watch the "extended" part of your local forecast and wait to see if you had a big snowflake in any of the days? Cause that meant heavy snow. Ah the good ole days living in Michigan.
  14. My dad and I used to watch the weather channel for hours at a time. They had the 7day forecast on the 20s after the hour, I always watched that shit for the bright white snow on the map because that meant heavy snow.
  15. JB is obviously all over the rest of this month but thinks a warm up is in store for February. I'd be ok with that.
  16. Not much snow down here, maybe 1.5" if I'm being generous. Enough to coat what's left of the existing snow until it all melts this weekend.
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