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Everything posted by NorthHillsWx

  1. We’re in the middle of about my least favorite weather pattern imaginable. Hot, humid, almost no storm chances, no relief on horizon. Get ready, the next week + is going to hurt
  2. 6.13” MTD with 2 weeks remaining. What a turnaround
  3. Excellent lightning storms again today 0.32”
  4. Great storm here. Finished with 1.10” for a monthly total of 5.81”. What a turnaround in such a short period
  5. Over my house haha. Great storm, lots of lighting and thunder. Been awhile since we’ve had natural fireworks like that
  6. Subsidence behind the coastal plains storms kept an area of stable air along the part of the US1 corridor yesterday. Every storm weakened and died moving into it. We picked up 0.06” and that was from a very potent storm that collapsed on approach. 4.71” for the month
  7. Sitting at 80.6 with low humidity and partly cloudy skies. My oh my what a beautiful day.
  8. Did not quite get an inch yesterday but the 0.85” we did get from an unexpected very rainy day brought us to 4.65” over the last week and for the month. What a drought busting rainfall for many areas in central and eastern nc
  9. Working on our 3rd day in a row with over an inch of rain. Unbelievable
  10. Pretty good rains this morning. Up over 4” for the last 5 days. Still raining lightly
  11. 2.07” on the day. 3.80” for the month
  12. Pouring. This will make up ground for the summer
  13. Finally got a rainfall over 1/2” maybe some more to come? Sitting at 0.57” so far, all of which fell in 20 min. Ended with 1.21” which brings the MTD (and our 3 day total) to 1.73”
  14. @eyewallyou always get amazing pics but these are some of my favorite!
  15. RDU was 2 degrees warmer than my house yesterday and 4 degrees warmer today. That’s pretty significant variation for being so close. We did however receive close to a half inch of rain more than them last month and a half inch more than them so far this month
  16. Topped out at 96.3 today. Highest HI was a scorching 107.2 which though way too hot did not verify our excessive heat warning. For the second day in a row we got a thunderstorm which put and additional 0.16” in the rain bucket and cooled it off considerably into the upper 70’s. I’ll take these pleasant rain cooled evenings any day! Looking at radar, it looks pretty meager out there for the 70% area wide rain chances advertised this morning. Feel fortunate to have gotten the storm we did EDIT: Picked up an additional 0.07” for a daily total of 0.23”
  17. Cloud cover *MAY* help us from a repeat of yesterday’s triple digit heat. We’ve *only* made it to 96 so far and it’s leveled off for the last hour or so. Still had a max heat index of a blistering 106 a short time ago
  18. Upgraded to an excessive heat warning today. We verified one yesterday despite only having a heat advisory. Heat like this, even in the south, is quite rare. Usually our dew points mix out in the afternoon at peak heating but this is a pure soup airmass. Hope the advertised pattern changes noted above come to fruition. This has been a miserable summer
  19. Missed out on the big totals just east of here but picked up 0.29” from a frisky storm that blew up overhead this afternoon. Broke 100 for the first time this year. 100.1 was our high. Storms were a fine consolation prize after the pain however
  20. Seems suspicious to me. We’re usually a few ticks warmer than RDU and it peaked here about an hour before that observation. We broke 100 for the first time this year and had our highest heat index since I’ve run my weather station so I think RDUs observation is off but it’s still our hottest day of the year by far
  21. Hottest day of the year here. 100.1 with a max heat index of 111.7. RDU is reporting 102 with a heat index of 114. Much hotter than that well advertised heat wave that fizzled a couple weeks ago. This is brutal heat
  22. I saw that, I was hoping you’d get that last gasp cell
  23. While true, 75 or so billion came from a single storm. If Ida misses the US we’re all talking about 2021 being a lame season. Just some perspective on how a single storm can change a season. Nicholas was a damaging storm and ultimately a billion dollar disaster, but we won’t remember that name. The season featured only 7 hurricanes and 4 majors, both just slightly above the average. The season featured so many junk storms that only lived 1-2 days out in the open sea. I’m still pissed they named Odette and still don’t believe it was a tropical cyclone…. All that said, I know the poster above is known for spam posts, but 2021 really was unspectacular if you take away 1 storm. But that’s all it takes to make a season memorable
  24. 11 am confirms it, Bonnie is the first major of the year in either the Atlantic or East pacific basins
  25. Bonnie looks like a major this morning
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