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Everything posted by MarkO

  1. Cannon and Bretton Woods are closed. Limited terrain at Waterville and Loon. Not sure the winds will die down soon enough. Temp holding steady at 31.1F.
  2. Power restored about 20 minutes ago. Temp up to 31.0. I have no idea how much we've gotten. Eyeballing about 4-5". The webcam at WV is LOL. I can't even see any of the lifts. https://www.waterville.com/cams?fbclid=IwAR0cxDdK47zLCcWkOPFFVcvCCJPy5KaTQLs3DP_4gZhXNkrltZ-gEt0nlqg
  3. Still without power, but got the wood stove ripping. Blizzard conditions. One of the best winter storms I've experienced up here. Waterville also without power. Not sure they'll even be able to open the lifts if they get power back. It is that windy.
  4. Wind is definitely ripping. It's like blizzard conditions. Power still out. I hope lifts are not on wind hold.
  5. Looks like it just flipped to rain in Lowell by my ring camera 34.7/34.3, guesstimating about 4" there. I don't think I've gotten an inch yet here. 28.2/26.2, windy as hell.
  6. I'm getting nervous. I'll probably flip to rain at the tail end. You and Alex will remain all snow.
  7. Better solution on euro. At least it keeps it white in the mountains, well anything west of the Bigelow range.
  8. Not buying it stays nearly all snow in central NH with a track nearly up the CT river valley.
  9. I'll take that GFS track. Only means it's downhill from here.
  10. Holy schnikies some house creaking gusts. Few and far between, like the rogue wave. 7.9/2
  11. Mount Washington profile says what you need to know. Freezing around here below 1500'. As I mentioned, 22.3, actually 22.5 now (1100')
  12. Dusting of snow this AM here in Thornton. 22.3/17. Expecting some glaze early afternoon. Roads will probably be a mess up here, especially being a mountain community. As for Omicron, I got it now. I came up to self isolate, but I think it's only a matter of time my wife and kids test positive (I think they tested too soon). They have symptoms and are in school/work. Unless you live in a yurt in NW Maine, you're going to get it.
  13. I assumed it had to do with more of weather seeing most towns are south and east of Boston. I guess it could be influenced by Covid teting, but shouldn't we be seeing it nationwide?
  14. Not sure if this has been brought up, but can't believe the number of schools closed or on delay this AM. I think it's more of "we need one more vacation day".
  15. 100% agree. It's probably my favorite trail at Cannon. Definitely got to hug the skiers left when snow is scarce but trail is open.
  16. Skied Cannon yesterday. Lift lines weren't bad considering it's a holiday week. They limited ticket sales. Conditions were pretty good as well. Skied Vista on natural snow. If they could muster another 6" or so, they might be able to open more natural terrain.
  17. squeezed out just under 2" since last night, still snowing lightly. 26.8/25
  18. You know I'm going to send it. Merry Christmas folks!
  19. 28.6 in Lowell. But seems like the accretion is having a tough time on trees. Looks like light/mod snow up north on the webcam, 21.9 up there.
  20. It's been consistent, but really lacks model support. I hope you're wrong btw. The only chance we have opening the mountain is if we get 6"+
  21. Agreed on Cannon. It's really only that knuckle (for lack of better term) part of the mountain that is almost always icy. Got to do with exposure or something, but if you know where to go it can be a really fun mountain. I've also noticed all 4 destination mountains in that area (WV, Loon, and BW) have gotten much better over the years in terms of snow making although I think WV had technical issues this winter due to weather and some late upgrades to their upper mountain snow making system.
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