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mattie g

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Everything posted by mattie g

  1. 49 and pouring rain here in Deep Creek. Had plenty of freezing rain earlier today, but the warm air flooded in with the precip. Decent day yesterday though!
  2. My front yard faces northeast and we've got plenty of snowcover, as well. Definitely took a hit the last couple days, but still holding strong. At this point I want it all gone, but it's neat to see how stubborn it's been.
  3. Took the dog for a walk earlier and was amazed at just how much snow is on north-facing and shaded lawns (a few inches, easy). There's even a car at the entrance to our neighborhood that still has 3-4" on top!
  4. I hear ya. I'm not worried about the base, and a couple mild days won't bother me, but I just don't want a torch and rain while we're there!
  5. Earliest daffodils in my neighborhood (almost full sun all day) and some forsythias should be popping here soon enough...
  6. My 13-home cul-de-sac has looked snow-covered for the last 10 days from the layers of salt coating it!
  7. It better not f'ing torch next Thursday-Sunday. I'm not in the mood for spring conditions at Wisp!
  8. What I find wild is that there's still plenty of snow on rooftops here. Of course, those in direct sun are bare, but any roof that doesn't get a reasonable amount of direct sunlight still has a couple inches of snow on it. Agree on the lack of really soppy melt. It's just a slow contraction of the snowpack with some damp areas around it.
  9. Eagles fan here (if not like the fan I was as a kid)...a HECS, no doubt. I'd say that a 30" storm without dripping for at least three days afterwards would do it. The anticipation and excitement of model runs as the day gets nearer and the elation while the dendrites are ripping just can't be beat! And then there's days of fun with family and neighbors and years of reminiscing. Yeah...I'd take that.
  10. As long as we have some cold for the few days prior when we're at Wisp, I'll take a Birds Super Bowl as icing on the cake.
  11. It hasn't busted high on the high temps for me...at all.
  12. I'll be happy and sad in equal measure to see this snow go.
  13. Upcoming storm names: Frodo Gandalf Hama Imrahil Can't think of any LOTR 'J' names...
  14. Ours went from 33 to 30, as well. Nearby PWSs sitting between 27-28. Might creep up just a bit with some sunshine, but I wouldn't expect any extraordinary spikes.
  15. It's great if snowpack gets refreshed, but if not then it just gets ugly. Yellow and brown snow, twigs, leaves, salt and dirt spray from the roads, etc. - it's just not pretty! It's been an amazing stretch of snowcover and just a general winter feel for MBY, but I'm about ready to wash it clean and see if we can pad the stats in a few weeks.
  16. That's what I'm saying. I prefer that organizations use prior experience to make decisions, and I can only assume that Fairfax County decided to open on time today because there were no issues with the buses on the two previous cold days. Of course, this assumes that the reason they opened late was because of concerns about buses getting started on time, so without saying anything other than "it's cold so we're opening late" I can only make assumptions based on my own logic. The issue with this is that schools would be closed far more often if these were major concerns. I'm not dismissing what you're saying, but there needs to be some level of give and take when it comes to making decisions in these situations.
  17. I wore gaiter for a bit on my walk this morning. The steam from breathing collected on my eyelashes, which then froze pretty solid.
  18. I prefer to think that they made a decision based on how things played out during the two days prior, i.e., that there was no issue with the buses and so school could start on time.
  19. Got down to 7F, I think. Going out for a couple-mile walk along the Trail after bus stop. Should be pretty chilly!
  20. Same. Three full weeks of snowcover is super impressive!
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