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George BM

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Everything posted by George BM

  1. A Mount PSU jackpot. So you know it's real!
  2. That winter and 2020/21 had a significant deficit of cold air on our side of the globe.
  3. 4 if your sensor worked on the first night.
  4. With the obvious caveats (It's October and ssts can and will change, other things such as MJO etc. can drive the winter pattern more than other factors, etc.) aside, I don't particularly hate the current SST anomaly configuration in the northeastern Pacific (165W-120W).
  5. Indeed. It was warmer than ideal, particularly in the sun, while I was mowing the lawn the past hour.
  6. Indeed. Nice to have the sunny warmth on my skin when I was outside mowing just now.
  7. Extremely happy to hear this! Hoping for a full recovery and a very happy birthday for him!
  8. More specifically, a changeover from snow to something closer to rain.
  9. October... Pumpkin... Pumpkin cake... Yummy yummy... Almost as yummy as carrot cake...
  10. A great birthday I hope this has been, Master @yoda. You enjoy your Carrot Cake?
  11. A Vibrant Sunset Watch has been issued by GeorgeBM Services for the Greater Baltimore/DC region in effect from 6:45pm until 7:25pm this evening.
  12. BWI: 10/27 IAD: 10/26 DCA: 11/09 RIC: 11/09 Peak Oct temp at DCA: 81F
  13. Tomorrow loosely reminds me of a poor man's June 16, 2008 and July 27, 2014 when looking at the trough and SLP track. Should current trends hold, I wouldn't be too surprised to see a smaller SLGT show up somewhere in the region or nearby.
  14. AL, 10, 2022092318, , BEST, 0, 182N, 203W, 35, 1002, TS TD10 is now Hermine! A certain DC native and occasional poster is very pleased this afternoon.
  15. IAD gusted up to 42kts (48mph). RMK AO2 PK WND 30042/2009 T02500083
  16. There's a line of heavier (gusty?) showers approaching from the west with the front.
  17. AL, 08, 2022092018, , BEST, 0, 341N, 448W, 35, 1009, TS Looks like Gaston may be here.
  18. Very great write up as usual showmet- eh actually I might've worn out that joke. In case anyone gets confused he meant to say 98L for the MH possibility.
  19. That eruption was WAY more unusual than we initially thought.
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