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Everything posted by PowderBeard

  1. Nice jotul Thanks, she's a beast. Older two-door F400. Not the longest burn times but heats 1500' a little too well.
  2. What a great way to end May, impressive heat. Not much in terms of dews though. House never got above 64* today.
  3. Saw the pics on FB, looks like a few new lines. How much vert? lol
  4. Look for the peregrines. Love watching them and the red tails out the office.
  5. lol, only because June typically brings some heat. Hell you could spoon feed urea the next few weeks if you wanted to.
  6. Yup, left the windows open and still in one. Too windy to hit the Q so it's another perfect landscaping day.
  7. 66/33 with a 10-15mph breeze, leaves turning soon?
  8. When do you all throw down grub controls? I know June is the time but I have not seen any beetles yet but it is June so they should be coming. Been monitoring the rose bushes for damage. Had a serious issue with them and just put down Bayer to kill them last fall and earlier this spring.
  9. 0.17", drought buster. Refreshing morning with all the windows open and a good breeze.
  10. Radar more impressive than what was modeled earlier in the day. Each HRRR run is coming along too.
  11. Goalposts have already been moved to describe 83/65 as "oppressive", it will be "slightly oppressive."
  12. Right? That side of the drain side gets about 4 hours max, left gets about 3. I also do all organics on that side vs synthetics on the left. Neither get any additional water than what falls from the sky. Left side is just as dark but shorter and less dense. Both sides have only been mowed twice this year.
  13. The baseline is 1" per week. I don't think there is much science behind it though because it depends on temps, soil type, time in the sun, etc. Most sprinkler systems and straight garden hoses (if the lawn is not massive) put that down in 1-2 hours (unless it was modified when the sod was put down), thus why I would check how much one watering cycle of yours puts down.
  14. Quabbin is stupid right now. Maybe 5-10% of smallies are spawning, rest are eating jerkbaits on the edges of windy spawning flats like I've never seen before. Fished 1-4pm Wednesday and had over 40 smallmouth, only a couple under 2 pounds. Biggest went 4-13.
  15. Threw this down last week instead of milo. It's a 5-5-0, has the slow release nitrogen and iron like milorganite plus phosphorus for the younger roots. The iron really evened out the color and it won't stop growing. Only watered three times in the last two weeks for about 30 minutes. The couple lighter spots are the chickweed/clover spots dying from the tricylopyr and all the damn things falling from the trees. Really need to mow and make a striping kit next, figure some pvc filled with sand or a heavy metal bar. Only 9 months from seed so still not quite where I want it. https://www.farmandfleet.com/products/1217185-estate-2500-sq-ft-36-lb-all-natural-5-5-0-fertilizer.html# My goal is to get it all as dark as this "test" patch of tall fescue I planted about 2 years ago. Hoping it is more to do with the age of the grass and not the difference in shade. Cut...damn rookie foot marks lol
  16. Makes sense. Max height (I'm assuming 3.5 - 4") + a lot of water (30 minutes of night water that's likely just sitting on it) + warm wet temps = fungus. It's never drying out. Do you know what type of grass it is and how much sun it gets a day? I'd also put out some plastic containers before running then see how much water you're putting down. My guess is way too much, like exponentially too much. Once you figure out how much water you're putting down you can adjust. I was watering ~4 times a week for 15-25 minutes around noon time since I overseeded and noticed some yellowing a couple weeks ago in my older sections. Started cutting at 2.5", watering twice a week for 30 minutes, and no more yellowing.
  17. How long ago did you put the sod down and what height are you mowing it at? I ask because that night time watering with the warmer temps and high dews this week can lead to fungus issues.
  18. What have you done for lime apps in the past? I started throwing lime in June because my soil was acidic as well (think it was around 5.4) and it takes a while for lime to help (did 50lbs of pellets over my 2000 sq feet) in early June then again mid July. This formula and website was helpful although I did not follow it 100% in retrospect. https://content.ces.ncsu.edu/soil-acidity-and-liming-basic-information-for-farmers-and-gardeners#section_heading_7192 Then I aerated the soil (not lawn because there wasn't one and the soil was so compacted) and put a 4:1 mixture of the most screened loam I could find to sand in the areas that needed to come up. Was a lot of hauling 5 gallon buckets but worth it. I wish I had done the entire lawn this way because in the areas I did not I can notice a difference in color and density, I'll be digging out and doing those small spots this fall and re-doing them. This thing is a life saver for leveling.
  19. Wasn't expecting this type of warmth (insert "We tried to tell them" here). The little one and I were drenched with sweat walking around the Quabbin, even with the shade and breeze. Truck in the parking lot said 94* baking in the sun, shack temp gauge in the shade said 86*. A nice 81/58 at home and only 73* inside with all the windows open.
  20. Sprayed triclopyr with a surfactant yesterday, now have to wait ~3 to mow. Didn't realize when clover and chickweed germinate They are taking over right now.
  21. Never thought I would say this but wouldn't mind some rain. Sick of watering. Barring some big change looks like May will be a couple inches below average for May in central Mass and dry in the future.
  22. Smallies are getting ready to do the deed. All the cold mornings have beds deeper than I've ever seen. Lots on 10-15'. Any tapering points with a hard bottom had fish stacked on them in 15-30' yesterday.
  23. If it is well above 7 then spreading ammonium sulfate or sulfur-urea are decent and also help out nitrogen levels prior to seeding. A lot less work too. I wouldn't seed right after putting down given the fast release N might be too much for seedlings. https://www.seedworldusa.com/products/ammonium-sulfate-21-0-0-granular-fertilizer-50-lbs?variant=35959584977&currency=USD&utm_campaign=gs-2018-11-14&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIy6CX0ZrF6QIVA9vACh0dbADBEAQYBCABEgJ8YPD_BwE
  24. Looks like a pretty sharp cut-off south of the pike for any precip on every model.
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