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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. any chance this line in NH makes it to the coast or is the usual "foothills and seabreeze ensure 0 precip makes it to MBY" thing?
  2. Especially if you do it a week after the holiday. Absolute wankers.
  3. If you light off fireworks in a residential neighborhood (while there are public displays within 2 miles in any and all directions) you are a tw*t of the highest order. Or a veteran. F*ck.
  4. If this pattern keeps up, I might be able to avoid installing a single AC unit this summer.
  5. Thanks. The one Eaves posted was around $175 which is about what I'm looking to spend. My primary use case is temps, as well as rain when I'm out of town. Wind is a bonus for the few events we get a year. NWS hooked me up with the snow gear for PWM obs, covered there. Thanks for the rec!
  6. Asked differently... what weather station do you have? how d'ya like it? was it easy to install?
  7. Is there somewhere on this forum that has info about the various home weather stations that I can read up on? I have a stratus, mostly interested in temp and wind data. If not, what would you recommend?
  8. Yeah, feast or famine last summer. May, June, Aug were all BN. July was AN with 11" of rain. Sep was average. It comes out to be AN for the whole summer, but definitely didn't feel that outside July. https://hprcc.unl.edu/maps.php?map=ACISClimateMaps
  9. An untreated lawn is a happy ecosystem. Three different flowers in this one small spot, not including dandelion and white clover.
  10. I thought white clover flowered a bit later. Maybe in late June? I'd have my whole lawn clover if I could. That wild Strawberry is a great ground cover. It seems to dislike competition, as mine only grows where there's nothing else. The town sports fields adjacent to us has literal fields of that stuff. My kids will go pick and eat the some of fruit in a few weeks here.
  11. It's green and growing. Count it as a win.
  12. made it 20 days without mowing. set the blade high enough to avoid the creeping charlie and snowdrop. most dandelion went to seed. fair compromise. don't need ticks and mosquitos in the tall grass.
  13. love/hate relationship with the orientation of the Maine coastline with any southernly flow this time of year. time sensitive but you can see the fog getting "blocked" by land. https://weather.cod.edu/satrad/?parms=local-S_Maine-02-24-1-100-1&checked=map&colorbar=undefined I'm flirting with fog while PWM and Casco Bay soak in sun.
  14. Have you had covid in the past? I ask because w/r/t to these concerts, which were vax required, just about everyone who hadn't had it before, got it there, myself included. Those who had a prior infection, specifically delta/omicron, did not get it there.
  15. There was a survey of 1500 people from who attended the phish concerts at Madison Square Garden two weekends ago and 42% reported testing positive for COVID. I know this isn't how it works, but you could estimate 8K cases from the concerts, which were held over four consecutive nights. Capacity is 20K and you probably have a 75% return rate of attendees (basically the same audience night after night).
  16. Holy sh*t, what an absolute unit she is!
  17. This is news to me. Not sure if any of yall in SNE are dealing with this... https://www.newscentermaine.com/article/tech/science/environment/pfas/maine-cdc-issues-freshwater-fish-consumption-advisory-for-seven-locations-amid-pfas-concerns/97-baab64da-4ba2-49c6-a6a6-bd806599778d https://www.pressherald.com/2022/05/05/maine-cdc-issues-pfas-advisories-for-some-freshwater-fish/
  18. Spinach planted last September and garlic last November are thriving.
  19. love it. we treat our garden data like (and often coupled with) weather data. it's really helpful to know what you did and when, and what the circumstances were around. Not that this falls under your purview, but if you ever wanted to do a "QA" of the observation site in the fall, I'd love to show ya what we have going on over here turning grass into plantable land. The wife is a certified master gardner through UMaine so things get pretty serious in the growing season. Ha, no doubt. TBlizz certainly can. I think we probably could, at least in the coastal part of the county. We've never tried, though, carrots always take the place of garlic.
  20. You've got plenty of time for two rotations, too. Ours don't go in until July when we harvest the garlic.
  21. Probably, but it's OK. It'll become obvious by the time the tops are 2" tall which ones are struggling the most. Watch for those 3 or 4 weakest and pull them first. Then again when they reach 4" tall.
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