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Everything posted by tunafish

  1. I've noticed the same with GYX. These new maps they're using - while still having "storm specific" ones - are pretty confusing. The timeframe the represent and ranges make little sense to me, I am sure much less so to the general public.
  2. What would cause the reversal? The trend has been for a weaker piece of energy over the OV, and is coming in flatter, too (I think)? Will a stronger primary be enough to amp it, or do we need the trough out west to speed up as well? Looked further east a few days ago, over CO, but now seems to be hanging back over the PAC NW. Not sure if that as an impact, too.
  3. My favorite stat from up here (similar seasonal average) last winter was that I had more snow in April (8.0") than December, February, and March combined (7.0")
  4. I think this is more common than we realize. Meaning, the public's perception of total snowfall compared to that of the observer (or even weenie). This is my 4th winter doing obs for GYX. Friends around town will ask me how much we got, and each year, for almost every event, their response when I tell them the amount is the same: "that's it?" People perceive a 4" event to be 6", or 10.5" to be 13". And that's in a place that, for the most part, see's less variability than your locale in term of amounts across a geographical area.
  5. Yeah, that is an NNE-wide thing. Up to 38F and PC we drip and compact.
  6. 2.8" on 0.19" liquid will do it for PWM 10" depth as of 12z.
  7. I suppose you could check your hourly rate that way (assuming youre not wiping a board each time), but at least for the NWS climo site obs it's every 6 hours at 12/18/00/05z, or when it stops.
  8. Guilty of looking outside every 6 minutes. Even when it's not snowing...you know, in case it does.
  9. You don't need more than 1 observation every 6 hours during precip.
  10. Been on and off flakes here for the past 90 minutes.
  11. 3.7" total on 0.31" LE. Ratios much better than expected.
  12. Nice! Suddenly we have winter (not climo but I will take it).
  13. 0.7" new 0.05" SWE new 3.3" total 0.30" SWE depth 8" in PWM.
  14. Curious your ratio. Pretty rare I hit 10:1 on the nose.
  15. So that 4-6" includes Sunday's event. Not sure what happened to these maps, now regional and 48 hours out covering 2 events? Strange.
  16. I smell a bust incoming. GYX has PWM for 4-6" but we are right in line for that elongated dryslot.
  17. Let me know when you find out. Happens 9/10 times in PWM.
  18. Same exact story down here. Half the town is without power due to multiple accidents/poles taken out. Schools had a scheduled early release today, and they still sent the busses out at 7-8 even though plows hadn't been out.
  19. 1.8" / 0.12" in Portland at 12z.
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