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Everything posted by SnowLover22

  1. It really does seem like the PNA getting that right is one of the most important ingredients.
  2. Geneva actually getting lake effect snow? What is this!!!
  3. would you rather have 40 inches of rain in Tampa or a 8-12 foot storm surge into Tampa Bay?
  4. Does best track have the current strength and pressure m?
  5. Don’t think it is. A post tropical cat 3 equivalent is unheard of. Definitely still a warm core present.
  6. kinda looks like cold air damming.
  7. My car is shit in the snow. The smallest amount on the roads and I am sliding like crazy. As long at the storm ends before I plan on hitting the road to drive(around 4PM on Saturday), I should be fine. Obviously I would love to ski in powder, just wish the timing of the storm was better.
  8. Let's smoke cirrus that would be nice. Seriously I do love snow but i am all but snowed out.
  9. Hopefully the east trend continues. I am going to be going skiing on Saturday. While fresh snow at Bristol would be nice, do not want to drive in the snow.
  10. really surprised no Severe Thunderstorm warning. Would meet criteria for wind.
  11. Snowpack instantly replaced i love it! So pretty much continuous snowpack for over a month now!
  12. Just got a direct exposure. About to see how well the booster actually works. 100% exposed. Based on what I know I have a 2-3 window to see if symptoms develop.
  13. lol wtf, geneva got way more than 6.8 inches. What are they smoking? Maybe they didn't snowboard correctly/account for compaction.
  14. They will with existing snow cover. You measure all the way ofc.
  15. Lol FV3 which is hi-res gfs says 12-18 inches area wide(ratios).
  16. This seems extreme no? Issuing a Civil Danger Warning for simply a parking ban.
  17. if you know people that go to Hobart and Willam Smith Colleges or from Geneva, NY there is a chance for sure.
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