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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. That was the Hockamock Swamp monster going out to the mailbox to place his vote for Joe , still counts.
  2. Next it will be the homeless I’m kidding completely , however human nature doesn’t change and I believe many would be absolutely frightened of what “good people” would go along with if they were in fear for their life and crazy solutions By “experts on TV” were deemed “hard almost unconscionable choices that had to be made “ Look at the milligram experiment Look at what Americans seemed to be fine doing to innocent men and women and children in Japan when we burned them alive , never can and never will I understand how the public swallowed that one , And doesn’t look back on that as heinous war crimes.
  3. Maybe discussed prior but Denmark is Killing all their mink. 15-17 million of them . A Scientist discovered a mutated strain past from animal to humans and yup . Seems odd and extreme but wow , the risk would be mutated strain would lead to ineffective vaccines. On the good news front Experts in UK say the Second Wave has peaked, now i guess we see if it stays elevated for winter or falls way back down in a few weeks.
  4. I would have rather thrown Mitch McConnell out of Washington Thou politics is so broken regarding representing the American people , Build back better is Likely little more than a marketing campaign by xyz to profit and touted by politicians to be good for us , people should not be deluding themselves into thinking solutions will be coming from Washington , even thou it’s as tempting as a weenie looking at the Nam solution 84 hours out . Maybe more tempting . But yes his speech was good , all I could hear playing was “lie to me I promise I’ll believe “. Call me skeptical . Thou the vibe will be much better at least .
  5. 132k/ 1248 final Todays numbers were telegraphed like a recurving .. wave breaking Typhoon 10 days ago Now looking at the curve and trends we are gonna see a 145-150 k one day end of next week And a 1500 death day same time . Deaths lag and are on up swing 2k is pretty much baked in 2-3 weeks from now . I was out in Nashua this evening and filled my belly with as much Fresh Sushi as those chefs could make , great nite . Life goes on . Besides masks, other change is Only seeing my Grandma on face time . Thankfully at 96 she is in her house . I really hope there is a better plan then the elderly death camps this winter .
  6. Looks like Both Georgia senate races will run off which means the dems in senate have a shot. Flip both and you tie and then tie breaker would go to Biden/Harris (In all likelihood) You would probably see the global coffers open as wide as the Grand Canyon to fund the Democratic interests which can then pursue the globalist great reset “sustainability”!ideals .
  7. I would agree with that , because what is the harm. I don’t believe you suspend calling election for Biden thou , bc this is just reasonable suspicion to *look* for widespread fraud , nothin glaring that there has been a game changing degree other than speculation and rumors . I can’t take Trumps word on anything really given his obvious refusal to lose , but it’s definitely worth a full audit of at least one swing state given the size of the mail in vote . What’s the worry. Call it for Biden and if there was widespread issues then take a look and deal with it if that bridge is crossed
  8. Well I believe Biden Won. However any real recount in this situation would involve more than counting Biden could have used Madaam Cleo to deliver his policy to the Dead And wrestle up the dead mail in vote . So a recount would have to check they are alive and legit signatures. Good luck
  9. This really is not a big story. Same Rules has been all summer . It’s not really brain surgery to see the loop hole or quasi wink did you quarantine (ya umm ya ) in this is there for the tourism industry Or is really just a don’t ask don’t tell sorta deal . You say you Quarantined like the folks who made up 80% of the Regular tourism numbers (that also didn’t quarantine ) and some jobs are saved . There was no Sizeable breakouts in VT or NH this summer. For as long as you have been Alive and as long as you will live you could always have had a flu or now flu or Covid that you weren’t aware of. This will be the case after a mediocre vaccine as well . You don’t go if your sick or if you were around someone that you are aware was sick recently . Of course, that is just my take
  10. Nobody in politics is getting their crap together . Here is their game plan in Washington . Listen to lobbyists , advance your career. Say whatever it takes (in public ) to be re-elected and say whatever it takes to be funded (in private) every time your up for re-election.
  11. This really was a tale of two elections Biden will be in white house when Trumps tantrum is over BUT Pelosi and congress dems are absolutely pissed in a huge way . Doesn't matter to Congressional dems who is in White House really, when they were counting on a blue wave that didn’t happen . They won’t get anything they want to Biden to sign .Not getting the senate has devastated their moral and they even lost many seats in house (that they still control barely ) . This really isn’t hyperbole. So states that have a huge Revenue shortfall (NY/ ILL. and were counting on a blue wave stimulus to states now have to crawl back to Moscow Mitch in Senate . That old turtle looking fella is smiling ear to ear . Trump was close as I figured he would be as polls will never grasp the Trump support who would rather not interact with pollsters and face judgement , but in the end he fell short or will , the numbers in key states show this barely But still CLEARLY If you know what to look at. There is a reason Vegas is at 90% now for Biden .
  12. Solid snow shower /squall Nashua 37 and Gusty. Love it Thou 60-70 and Sun also sounds good later in week .
  13. I’m hoping J spin goes hiking up high on Bolton. This looks like a burial there tonite
  14. Nice Elevation for Jackson, You must be over in E Jackson (looks like SE to NE Jackson are quite elevated
  15. Yesterday Am ships had this at 50% chance for 45 knot R.I over next 36 hours... at that point i figured we would have a Rita /Wilma whatever the heck one did that this year situ with ETA
  16. love the photos guys, keep em coming. Even getting flurries down in Nashua.
  17. VT will cash in very nicely and I’m sure the hut at 5k On Washington will do well if the winds blowing could stop and measure
  18. The 2000 year plus history of Monetary systems could fill a graveyard . Every type of monetary system has failed /crashed ..seen a economic traumatic event that required a “reset”. Even gold backed currency inevitably saw /kings debase it with other metals to expand monetary supply to bolster their chances they wouldn’t be overthrown Or so they could grow their empire via expansion of money supply. This current one is extremely long in the tooth, I believe if people had an awareness that all monetary systems are inherently unstable especially interest bearing debt based Ones ..they would have a better idea of why this current one ..dependent on zero interest rates and bubblecoveries as well as perverse incentives Paid for by lobbyists backed by congress that lead to sort of a disaster capitalism and constant need to bouy asset prices now so that insolvency is not perceived ..and now we got the perfect fall guy or virus ...that sort of provides the political cover to fast track the inevitable A.I job heist of many industries as well as provides the pain necessary for many to clamor to the multi national Plutocracy for a “solution” which they already have . It’s listed in a marketing brochure From the world economic forum called the great reset . It’s out in the open if you have a awareness to look . It tries to market itself for citizen support on sustainability of climate concerns , inequality concerns and safety concerns .. leveraging and magnifying and Politicizing all these Things and takes a no nonsense approach to curtail the threat of critically thinking if we actually have much better approach to such issues and effectively radicalizes any deviation from group think quite successfully. Deviation from the generalized plan threatens not just those who will profit but it’s perceived need to have the public demand change (as most realize change is not demanded unless there is a dire situation perceived) We are going to see a reorganization of the way we live , how people view their freedoms, as the transformation to the Technotronic era sees a huge push (Media will raise awareness of the problems and Soon solutions as Covid is a very good crisis that will not go to waste. Wether this ambitious idea for a sort of fourth revolution and defined Global socio-economic Era led by A.I , technology and green energy in a sort of dystopian trans-humanistic view is to renew growth from a current system that has been nearly exhausted from debt saturation Prior to Covid .(can be successful) .is to be seen , wether there will continue to be no attention given to the Billion plus third world and advanced country's new poor classes suffering from hunger/depression/homelessness/death which is tied to the virus and the Covid anxiety filled responses and/or a failure to have enough of a social safety nets in place remains to be seen. Just remember you are sort of lucky if your industry hasn't been effected so far. This isn't normal "lazy Jobless folks" . While easy to criticize and they should be as the wealthiest Often shape and organize these transitions ..(.they are never pure of intention) but ultimately maybe necessary in a world where we often Need to Choose Between many less than great options to move forward. Don’t worry I’m done on this .
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