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Everything posted by STILL N OF PIKE

  1. Slip sliding backs side , disjointed system ...
  2. I have faith in none right now we are counting on a back side handy dandy to get our rocks off I could see the nam scenario unfolding
  3. Are we gonna be back to congrats Dentrite
  4. Some needs to give the Crazy Uncle a ride to grab booze before he spits out his 12z storm prediction
  5. CMS looks to Give Mitch in SVT a Heavy dose of snow Hits S NH and Route 2 corridor hard as well This was a bit further S solution and ditto 7H 0c line
  6. I believe your longitude could help place you out where that band is still solid before secondary low sort of shoots E/ESE and collapses band as it moves east. I believe even SW CT needs to watch this
  7. That secondary band ...after Zeta crap...looks like its gonna max out from Catskills to Berks to W CT (maybe into S VT and SW nh and central mass) . Those spots could see a quick 4-6 if lift is solid
  8. GFS is cold and not that bad Jucier. W MA and W central Ct could have a nice surprise Friday am
  9. understood man I could care less about a few flakes or a dusting...doesn't do squat for me...no matter the month
  10. You can see euro began speeding up zeta and that led to less phase , faster and flatter. It did this after 12z and nam now did this at 6z when i saw last nite Before Oz runs that the nam/euro and ukie All were significantly slower in handling Zeta than NHC , it was sort of the moment I figured the Faster less phase , weaker camp was right and ya it was Good result was bye bye warm tongue at least for SNE , So the ceiling is lower for CNE and the jack but as long as that mess of precip from 9z to 18z Friday Doesn’t trend weaker / we may have something to work with . I certainly don’t trust the clown maps that love to turn meh looks into high end advisory snows But we will see how that snowy morning period trends . Could go Poofy if the weaker faster scenarios trend a tad more .
  11. The more i look at things You have 2 camps GFS/HMON/HRWF take Zeta in significantly faster, which leads to more of a NE direction after landfall (12z Thur- position near ATL) and not phased and whiff OTS or scraper EURO/NAM /UKMET take Zeta in Significantly slower, and draw her more north after landfall to a position (at 12z Thur near Over E central MISS or W ALA border (several hundred miles SW of other camp) and phase more leading to a system that is juicier further north and slower NHC favors first camp for now
  12. Euro looks to handle Zeta much more like Nam thru landfall...slower ..deeper and then after landfall (12z Friday ) couple hundred miles SW of GFS (like Nammy) SO I'm hoping to see this in 0z suite and then i'll be more confident in something juicy. I mean landfall isn't that far off.
  13. Hopefully Gfs is the "SPED" no cancel police please
  14. we don't thread The Gfs is significantly faster than nammy with Zeta going over New Orleans and sort of just flying ahead and being the main deal. Look at the difference in position of Zeta at 12z Thursday between them
  15. My point is do you actually believe Dentrite or even Hub will have more than you.
  16. Thanks You can see the 7H low out by Bradford PA then over to BGM before it sorta dives ESE/SE hour 84 toward Scranton
  17. Whats a different evolution that could mute that or squash it a bit and still keep this juicy.
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