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Everything posted by Matthew70

  1. I did see an interesting quote from a top meteorologist out of the NE. He said “that the low placements 3 days out are usually on average 150 miles off of where they will usually end up”.
  2. What is the ole saying? Everything always snaps back the other way like a rubber band to equal it all out.
  3. I am thinking the warm up is not the warm up that we are accustomed to. If there is really much of a warm up. I also remember strong -NAO being a trump card in the past. Maybe my mind is remembering incorrectly. Also is there still a PV split or partial? That could definitely play in our favor or against us. Maybe this time it plays in our favor. Positive side is the cold is in Canada & very nearby now. Marginal temps are being pushed south. We are going to get moisture even if it’s rain or frozen. That’s a change from the dry pattern.
  4. Maybe false hope but I feel the MJO forecast are wrong or it will be overridden by other factors. -NAO. PV split. Only time will tell.
  5. Honestly extreme is nice if don’t won’t any snow. I prefer the cold enough for snow. Plus I prefer to not have to replace my landscaping again this spring!!!!! lol!
  6. Even here in middle TN we are averaging normal to slightly below normal for the temps dept. I read this could be the first January in quite some time for this area to have a normal to below normal January. I think that’s pretty impressive for a supposed to be warm January.
  7. Lots of different opinions on what really happens with this cold. A few say goes west. A few say suppression city for here. I will take the some moisture with freezing temps nearby.
  8. Honestly I feel one day we will have that type of temps. again here. Like China is having now. If wx cycles are truly real.
  9. Thanks for the suggestions. We plan to head out there in the spring. Her place will be our place of stay while we visit the area. We have never been to Yellowstone. Looking forward to it.
  10. My niece just moved to Billings MO! She’s a traveling Dr. occupational therapist
  11. Unfortunately, it appears it’s just gonna be low 40s with some cold rains. We need the rain, but I can do without the cold rain. Well in 10 weeks it’ll be mid March knocking on spring.
  12. Happy New Years to everyone! I hope it’s a wonderful year for ALL. I hope we all get a big snow before winter is over.
  13. Carver very well said. I am like you in that I am not on either side of the climate spectrum. Do I believe it’s changed. Most definitely but you said the key words. “Has it changed for reasons we don’t know”. Yes no doubt man has added some effects but I don’t believe it’s to the levels the politicians & govts. are saying. I like you wonder is this a cycle that we are going thru or is the earth striking midnight. We have heard that many years from now the sun will go out. Who knows if true. I am saddened also to see what we are doing to the earth. With the technology of today how can recycling not be more important & efficient. I watch builders just erase everything off the land to build houses & buildings. It’s sad & disgusting. I want my kids to have a beautiful earth to live on not a barren wasteland. Why do houses not have solar panels built on the roofs already. Why do water heaters not get their electricity from solar panels. It’s all about $. Cutting corners & getting cheapest materials to build. When in reality it’s killing the future for our kids. We have advanced so much as humans yet we still do things like it’s the stone ages. As far as the numbers being edited. It does not surprise me. If they make the numbers less it plays into the $ making climate change narrative.
  14. Funny you say that. When I started following also. All I ever heard was about the AO/NAO/PNA. Never once heard about the MJO. Now it’s all about the MJO. Honestly it would not surprise me if another gets added to this group in the next few years. One thing is for certain. We are nowhere close to understanding wx.
  15. The flash freeze last December destroyed much of my shrubs. I have replaced them but any time a flash freeze occurs like that. Most likely it will kill my new ones even though they are cold hardy. One can still see the damage to shrubs all around here. Places just don’t have the $ to replace them all.
  16. So it makes me pause & wonder do they make us believe winters are more snowless now than they really are to fit a certain agenda. Is it predictive programming. Are places really having snow yet they tell us they are not. Interesting.
  17. Interesting. This would be a good discussion to talk about as to why. Is this also possible or true for other wx offices? Is data missing there also? Is it political or just lazy.
  18. I don’t get upset like I used to not having snow. After so many years in 90’s I realized it’s just not the same climate it used to be in the 70’s. Not at all saying it’s climate change. Which I’m not saying it’s not happening either but something changed. I used to believe the earth & wx go in cycles. Maybe we are in a bad cycle for snow in these parts. I know this is not the place to discuss that topic. I also remember as John said. Warm Novembers usually don’t bode well for winter. I also feel TN seems to have more tornadoes than it once did & the plains not as many. I am hoping we don’t have another cold spring. Cold rains in March & April are not fun for any of us. Though we might need those if we do not start getting the water table up. Drought brings more drought. Please no drought for this spring & summer. Come on cold & moisture. Give us a good ole snow storm. Sorry for the rambles.
  19. I just hope it’s not all a mirage, and the MJO is the true reality.
  20. After the warmup/thaw it will take a lot to erase + temps average across the area for January. Which it’s really not even a thaw. We have a big soccer showcase mid January here. Looks like going to be nice temps.
  21. Is this after the warmup thaw mid month? Or is the warmup being muted?
  22. Merry Christmas to everyone & your families! It’s a wet Christmas but I will take it. We need the rain. Thanks to all who makes this the best wx board forum on social media.
  23. Well the soaking rains predicted earlier are all but a whimper now for this area. Another cold shot then right back to the comfortable 55-60 temps. If it’s not going to snow then I will take winter temps like that. We are approaching the coldest part of winter. I consider January thru mid February the window. After that around here the chances are higher for ice & cold rains. I am doubting winter really happens. Weather has changed for the whole world.
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